Yes but...the only thing hard about Hebrew is...ummmm...y'know...the words
I had to laugh, even though I knew what he meant (that vocabulary was harder than conjugating verbs). But still, isn't learning the words the hardest part of learning any foreign language?!?
I'd like to make fun of this sign more, but...forgetting to pay rent is something I'd might actually do. Otherwise, I'm thinking most people who don't pay the rent probably do it because they don't have the money. Right?

Here's the car I wrecked, the poor thing:
I was wondering if I should blur out the license plate for privacy and stuff, but then I remembered that the license plate ended up in someone's front yard near the intersection.
At any rate, I'm sure the yield sign I neglected to give all the respect it was due wasn't anywhere near as confusing as this:

I'm actually sort of impressed. One can rarely ever go east AND west at the exact same time!
Not only that, but you can more or less pick any direction and still end up on both highway 521 AND highway 36 going either east, or east and west at the same time. Don't even worry about north and you're bound to get exactly where you're going. Probably.
Last but not least, I had this conversation with The Guy this week at the tail end of a conversation in which I had already listed a multitude of minor failures on my part:
Me - "...and I broke a glass in the kitchen."
The Guy - "Was it one of the good glasses?"
Me - "No. It was one of those glasses you got for me to break."
So see?!? If I can just contain myself to the kitchen, The-Guy is already well prepared. Anyway, happy holidays to all! Hopefully everyone is surviving them quite nicely and even enjoying themselves!