Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Happy Passover!

I dunno, hiding the former secretary general in your living room might be just as much fun as hiding a matzoh. You never can tell about things until you try. (*shrug shrug*)

The Passover story is a really complicated one for the six and under set to processes. (Actually, it’s a little complicated even for grownups. I’m pretty sure the goal is to serve a meal without using any actual ingredients, but one can never be certain.) It’s always fun to see how the six and under set regurgitates…well, just about anything really. But listening to them attempt to make some sense out of the complexities of Passover is particularly amusing.

This is the Passover story according to my daughter when she was three:

The king was very bad. He wanted to take away all the baby boys. But baby Moses’s mommy didn’t want him to be taken away. She put him in a basket and took him to an ocean and put him in. Another person found him.

Then the burning plant was God. God told Moses, “Here. Have a stick.”

Here’s another version told by my Kindergarteners:

The princess got Moses and raised him for her son. The king had Jews so they had to work for him. God had to send Moses to let the Jews out of Egypt. God sended ten plagues. Then Pharoah said “No, no, no!” God sended 10 plagues to let the people go in Egypt. Then Moses let them out.

I think between the two stories they more or less have sort of a basic outline at any rate.

Happy Passover! Oops! I think I was supposed to be cooking or something…


  1. awww that is so sweet.

  2. Hah! Love those interpretations...

  3. cute! Thanks for the comment on my blog. If you bookmarked the links I used in my post, they will remain the same even if the original blogger updates their blog. I used specific links for those posts not the overall link for the individual blogs. Have fun!

  4. Thanks being green!! I think it should work then, because I just clicked on your links & bookmarked.

  5. ahhhhhhhhh that was great!! I love kids!!! Ü

  6. I like your site very much. Thanks for your interest. Have a good day

  7. love your kids interpretation of passover! too cute! :)

    thanks for the comments on my blog too! i love it when visitors comment! :)

  8. Those interpretations are so simple and pretty much cover it right? ; )
    Have a great Good Friday, Happy Easter and all that good stuff!
