Sunday, May 06, 2007


Been tagged...Ok so the game is to post seven random facts about myself and then tag seven other people:

I buy plastic wrap so rarely that my almost 12 year old recently looked at a piece and exclaimed, wide-eyed, "This stuff is SO COOL!"

I can and have taken off a toilet tank and changed the entire flappy contraption.

Walking early childhood jukebox here. Give me a subject to teach and I’ll know one or more songs go with it.

Unfortunately, I'm about what the preschool teachers have to offer for a computer person too. After showing a coworker how to do something fairly simple on the computer she asked me "How do you learn to do all this stuff?” I shrugged. “I just figure it out. I guess I’m kind of a low level computer geek.” “OH NO!” She exclaimed, her eyes widening, “You’re a HIGH level computer geek!” Ummm…thanks…I think.

I’ve looked into the crater of a volcano at night as it erupted out the other side. I was very happy not to have been the person who died there of smoke inhalation a couple of nights later, since it seemed a distinct possibility at the time.

I can learn the names of my entire class each and every first day of school, but still can’t remember the parents’ names by the end of the school year.

Was that seven? No? Ok, how about this then: I can say in seven pages, typed, single spaced, small font what other people can sum up in a sentence or two (but at least my friend Melissa says, “They’re seven entertaining pages!”). Which might actually have something to do with why I'm seldom tagged...

Now then...I tag Slow Joe for all seven of my tags!!!! :-0 :-0 :-0


  1. Awesome random facts. Thanks for sharing!


  2. Thanks for playing! And I also love your entertaining pages :) Have an awesome day!!

  3. Too funny! I like the one about saying in 7 pages what others can in 2 sentences! I sometimes have this affliction too! ;0)

  4. That tag thing is fun! Loved reading the facts about you.

    About the negatives: After I got into scrapbooking I decided to organize my negatives. I used and now am always recommending for their fantastic storage products. It took a while and lots of perseverance, but now I have all my -ves cataloged & filed away. And every once in a while I am amazed at how I did such a great job and give myself a pat on the back ... LOL!

  5. It was fun reading a little more about yourself.

  6. lol about it takes you 7 pages to sum up what others say in 2 sentences..that is sometimes a bennefit when writting a long college paper though ;)

  7. I get the exact same thing at work when letting someone know something simple on the computer. LOL! Same thing with math. :)

  8. omg too funny .. this blog cracks me up!

  9. Quickly Jill! I require a song about bowel movements!
