Friday, November 09, 2007

Hey burglars, here's another chance!!!!!!!!

If there's one thing I like every bit as much as spending my day surrounded by 3 to 7 year olds, it's spending 3 1/2 hours each way on a bus with 8 to 12 year olds!

Last year as I understand it, my main job at religious school retreat was to make sure that Jewish children from all over the state of Texas changed their underwear at least one time over a three day period.

I think I fulfilled my purpose by
consistently answering each and every concern with, "But did you change your underwear?" This year my friend Beth said I should just write, "Change your underwear!" on my t-shirt. But I figure I can wait and see if my assignment has changed.

In any case, my stuff's all up for grabs again. Please feed the cat if you come by, but leave your paws off the CDs!!!!!!


  1. You sure do like to go against the flow. How would you feel if something did happen to your stuff?

    I definitely would not be happy if it happened to me.

  2. But who will make sure all the little Texan gentiles (Textiles?) change THEIR underwear?

    Ooh, see, now I want to move to Texas, so I can tell everyone I'm a Textile.

  3. maybe the gentile children like stinky underwear.

    ew, why would I even say that?

  4. *chuckle* Haaaave fuuunnnn... When you get back c'mon over 'cos I've tagged you!

  5. Derek - I'm pretty sure I would feel rotten if my stuff got broken into, except with the added stupidity of having advertised it on the internet!!! :-0 :-0 :-0 Actually, I've had my place broken into before & my car broken into & my family home when I was a child broken into several times, so I suppose I don't actually have to speculate all that much...

    Christine - Guess you better get over here & get all the Textile's changing them undies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Alf - Who the heck knows?!?!?! Actually, I think ALL children like stinky undies, thus our responsibility as adults to monitor ...

    DJ - Thanks! I did!!!!!!!!! Going to look!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. In Korea boys do not talk about underwear. A friend of mine went on an overnight camp trip where he had to help with watching the kindies and assist with the after shower everyone get changed. He and his Korean co-teacher were trying to get the kids redressed when the Korean teacher found a pair of underwear that had no owner. He stood up with the pair and proclaimed "These are not my man-panties. Are these your man-panties? Who does not have man-panties?"

  7. man-panties - HA HA HA!
