Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Just Call Me Martha

Or Rachele Ray or whoever the heck's job it is these days to make scatterbrained moms like me feel hopelessly inadequate. At any rate, I have big news: I actually do know how to cook!

No really, stop laughing. Dinner at my house is not always thrown together at the last minute. I even belonged to a veggie co-op for awhile. For some odd reason, I even took a picture of my kids’ dinner one night for something or another that I never did post to my blog:Who the heck knows what that white stuff is over to the left. I took the picture a year ago fer’ cryin’ out loud. But that’s not the point. The point is, I know how to cook AND more than one someone wanted the recipe for a Passover dessert I make.

The goal of Passover, as I understand it, is to cook as many things as possible using absolutely no ingredients. Failing that, the goal is to cook as many things as possible using absolutely no ingredients except matzah (matzah being flour and water baked into a “board” within I think it is 18 minutes).

Actually, depending on what that white stuff is on the plate in the picture, that meal might actually be ok for Passover. Except, there’s probably a rule against green beans. And if there’s not, there’s at least got to be a rule against disturbing looking Chinese green beans.

So, to make a short story long, here is a recipe for chocolate covered matzah. It really is delicious the way most anything that’s covered in chocolate is:

3-4 boards of matzah
¾ cup butter
12 ounces of GOOD chocolate chips*
1 cup brown sugar

*The recipe actually calls for 10-12 ounces, but I say the more the better and even put in more than 12 ounces sometimes.

Melt the butter with sugar. The recipe says to boil for 3-4 minutes, but I do less, probably only 2 minutes.

Put one layer of matzah onto a greased cookie sheet.

Pour sugar mix over the matzah, even out and heat for a few minutes in the oven. The recipe says 15 minutes, but I never do more than maybe five at most. I just like it a little softer.

The recipe and I have another argument here: recipe says put the chocolate chips on and wait for them to melt. I always have to put it back into the oven for a moment or two. Maybe it’s because I never let it cook for the full 15 minutes in the previous step. Whatever. Mine is yummy.

Spread the melted chocolate chips evenly.

Refrigerate until cold. Break into pieces.

Eat before anyone else notices there’s chocolate in the house.


  1. Every time I watch the 10 Commandments, and they have the seen depicting passover, I think. What a frickin cool holiday this is. We all gather inside and eat bad food, while all our enemies are killed by an evil cloud of death sent by god. Religion needs more holidays like this one.

  2. Lotus - I need to see that movie. I keep hearing about it, I guess 'cause that guy just died...

  3. Yum! That actually sounds a lot better than squid. :-)

  4. J'aime chocolate covered matzah!!! It's worth it to sit through the ordeal just so I could have some of that sweet delicacy.

    Ma nishtana?

  5. jp - Are you sure you don't want me to post once a day 365 squid recipes?!?!?! KIDDING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'd take chocolate ANY day!!!!

    People - It's funny you say that because I was just thinking on Sunday that the ***advantage*** to being a preschool teacher AND a Sunday school teacher is that I sit through FOUR! A first night seder, a second night seder, a mock seder for preschool and a mock seder for religious school. Except, the mock seders don't have chocolate covered matzah & they no longer put nuts in the charoset for the mock seders because of the possibility of allergies.

  6. I'm into veggies so that looks pretty good. The white stuff looks like potato salad. Not saying it is... just resembles it. Haven't celebrated Passover in ages.

  7. My friend makes something similar. Very good.
    And hello??? You've never seen the 10 Commandments?? Go rent it. NOW!

  8. BAM!

    (That's my Emeril impression.)


  10. Ahhh... Martha and jp, I love squid! And I don't like rules. haha!

  11. Urban Thought - It does look a little like potato salad! I've never made potato salad in my entire life though, so I'm thinking not though...

    Kerry - Yeah, I think I do need to see it.

    Roger, Carey & Alf - I'll save you a piece! :-) Well, if you get here quick enough...

    Delmer - Oh yeah! I forgot about that guy!

    El Pato - For you, I'll save a piece of cuttlefish. :-) :-) :-)

  12. cuttlefish? are you hitting on me? haha! I've never had cuttlefish but it sounds cute!

    Have a good weekend, peace.

  13. It is amazing given all the restrictions on what can be used during this special time that any food gets made at all. But it does and it's mighty tasty and that, Jill, is another Passover miracle!!!!

    That looks good BTW.
