Thursday, September 11, 2008

WOOHOOOOOO!!!! No school tomorrow!!!!!!

We may be blown off the face of the planet by hurricane Ike, but at least we won't be at school while it's happening!!!!!

Much as I poked fun, a car with more than a quarter tank of gas MAY have actually been a good idea, because you could use up your entire tank of gas just waiting in line at the one or two stations in town that have any gas left.

But what the heck - a car with a transmission that doesn't buck us into the next century whenever it gets tired might have been a good idea too. Come to think of it, food in the pantry would have been a fantastic idea. But it's okay, I think my aunt said she bought out Houston's entire stock of tuna and peanut butter.

But I got the drinking water part covered at least. I'd like to claim it was because I was ever so practical, but it just happens that I just bought a kajillion water bottles for lunches for the kids earlier in the week.

Luckily The-Guy-Who-Knows-A-Song-About-A-Chicken thinks up all these phantasmagorical ideas like food and gas and we're like good to go for..I dunno... least a day and a half.

KIDDING! I'm sure we can hold out for longer. He's talking about cooking & stuff...whatever that is.


  1. Oh I'm envious! 3 day weekend? If only...

    Now don't you go and spend it all in one place.

  2. Hey there, how is the hurricane preparedness going? we cleaned out the yard today and picked up tons of batteries. I assume you will be sitting it out with Razor? keep in touch when/if the power holds up or comes on or whatever happens. Good luck to us all!

  3. Jill, be safe! Looks like it's gonna be a fierce storm! Let us know how it goes!

  4. Hope the weather isn't too bad!

  5. Okay, Jill -- I know ya'll in Houston are just supposed to "hunker down" (whatever that means) but I'm getting worried about you, your kiddos, your kitties, and the Chicken Guy. Stay safe!!!

  6. Derek - We kind'a *gotta* sit it all out in one place..."hunker down" and all that...

    Beth - Preparedness?!?!? Well, let's see, I puked in the night (I think from a sandwich I bought at La Madeline), does that count?!?!? Kidding! We're staying up with Razor for complicated reasons that I can't my cell phone though. You probably didn't have that much to buy food wise, huh?

    Thanks People & Alf!

    Janet - Yeah, we're "hunkering" all right!!!! I'm not sure exactly what it means either, but they're encouraging it over the radio every few seconds. For Razor/the guy who knows a song about a chicken, hunkering=puttering (albeit at useful pursuits!). Me I've been recovering from puking & basically letting him take care of anything and everything & just being more or less a wuss.

  7. Actually that car with the time travel enabling transmission is a GREAT idea.

    Into each life some storm must fall.

  8. Hey Jill, How's it going?! Hope you survived the hurricane. Looks like the kiddos are doing well. :)

  9. Hope you are all okay there Jill...thinking about cha....

  10. Very funny SJ!!!! I hadn't thought of the BENEFIT of my cranky transmission!

    HEY BARB!!!!!!!!!!! Long time no see!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sent you an email to the address I found off your blog!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Thanks Maureen! We're good & hopefully uphill from here!
