Saturday, May 15, 2010

My Gal Wants the Title of This Post to be "I'm Having Stress". So that's the title. Actually, I AM having stress. I hear it goes great with Valium.

I'm having wedding stress and work stress. I'm having I'm not sure why I went back to school stress.

Wedding stress sounds like this sometimes:
My sweet pea - I wish we could have Hayes Carll.
Me - Yeah. Me too.
Her - But I bet he would be really expensive.
Me - Probably.
Her - You would have to have your wedding in a warehouse. You would have your wedding dress and Hayes Carll and nothing else.
Her - Not even shoes.
Me - I might not have shoes anyway. I haven't been shopping.
Her - Yeah, but you wouldn't have decorations. Or cake either. But you'd be super happy!
Me - I'm already pretty happy sweetie.
She doesn't realize that we're already not having any decorations. The bar has cowboy hats hanging everywhere and I think those little beer advertisement flags. So that's one thing taken care of. And I never really cared much for cake.

Here's what bedtime stress sounds like sometimes:
Me - We got Sugar in 2001 and Nimue in 2005. So that's only four years Nimue will have to live without Sugar and be companionless. That's not as bad as I thought.
Older Gal - But we're saving up to clone our cat!
Me - Oh yeah! I wonder...
My Boy - Yeah! We can clone him and have another Shuguee!
Me - I wonder if...
Younger Gal - Would you stop counting the time until Sugar's going to die?!?!
Older Gal - But we're going to clone him!
My Boy (earnestly and seriously) - Ummm...but I forgot...I'm saving up to fight terrorism.
Because if counting up the years until your housepets' eventual demise ain't a relaxing way to send your kids off to bed, I don't know what is.

The kids actually do own these piggy banks, but it was easier to swipe the pictures from these places than to take them myself:
Cat bank
Terrorism bank

Personally, I'm saving up to buy valium. I hear it's good for stress.

Valium bank


  1. Hilarious bedtime conversation!!!

  2. Hmmm fighting terrorism Texas style didn't really work out too well last time around :)

  3. Thanks Rach H & Tracy!!!

    SJ - I didn't think of that! Maybe he can just save for cat cloning or valium like the rest of us.

  4. Hahahahahahaa
    But oh I am feeeeling your stress girly! Shouldn't you be saving up for wedding shoes or something though?
    Ps: Keep taking the drugs.

  5. Arizaphale - Oh yeah, maybe so. I hear I need those!

  6. *snort* You have such a way with bloggy posts. :)

  7. *snerk* you are too funny!!!!!!!!! I feel less stressed after reading this post, you should try it ;)

  8. Thanks Marlene & DJ Kirkby!

  9. I need the valium bank. My Xanax is just not cuttin' it.

  10. Y'know Kerry I didn't see any Xanax bank. Maybe it's less expensive than Valium.
