Sunday, January 23, 2011

In Case You Were Wondering if the Rest of my Family Is Any More Sane Than I Am, They Are. We call this Supportive!

Hello people! What do you know? Much to my surprise it seems we have made it through yet another week!

Unfortunately I seemed to have made it through the week without much in the way of pictures. Except, I did get this of that Sweet Pea o' Mine:Luckily, my brother sent this picture. "No what" you ask? No. Just no.It's like the two year old national anthem is just posted for drivers' enjoyment.

My brother also sent me a picture of the ever popular and easy to find corner of McWhorter and McWhorter:I got this photo of my brother's boys Rex and Leo from my dad, along with a note that said:
"On top of Mount Cardigan. Lost Leo over the edge of the cliff but Rex managed to hang on. One out two isn't all that bad."
If anyone's looking for a husband, my dad found one: He really seems quite thorough. The "taking your ex's stuff out" seems particularly convenient, especially if you're looking for a rent-to-own type of husband.

Older Gal sent a picture of a Chanukah menorah on top of a car. I was going to save it for next Chanukah, but I'm on a roll: I would have cropped it and stuff so the menorah was more visible, but the sky was much too pretty to crop out.

Last but not least, a coworker sent me this video.

Ok, wait...I thought I knew how to embed a video, but apparently I don't. At any rate, it's Ellen WhateverherlastnameisthatstartswithaD making fun of this children's book here for obvious reasons: If you're way more video-y than me, I believe I have actually managed a link: Ellen D: Fun with children's lit.

Did I question my entire family's sanity in the title of the post? I'm going to call that supportive actually. And my coworker. We'll call her that too, as long as we're calling names.

Have a great week everyone!


  1. Good lord but C is beautiful.
    Oh yeah, nice photo too.

  2. your sweet pea has a lovely smile, nice shot :)

  3. These are great! You have the entire family looking for stuff.

    Your daughter is beautiful.

  4. Your daughter is gorgeous! Beautiful smile!

  5. Well done on including the family's input on your post. This was a photo free weekend for me, hopefully I'll make up for it this week.

  6. Your daughter is beautiful! Hopefully she'll start sitting for you more often!

  7. Thank you Annabelle, HLIP, Leilani, & Samantha! I'm going to tell her to come read these comments anytime she's having a bad day! :-) :-) :-)

    Thanks Nicki! I think you made it up in advance! Those birds from last week are just gorgeous!

    Samantha - I hope so!!!!! She tends not to like photos of herself, so I'm slowly trying to convince her that if she lets me take enough of them, I'll get her one she likes.

  8. Oooh...the sky IS pretty in that photo!

  9. Your DD is beautiful.You really had me cracking up with your post.

  10. Getting a kick out of your signs. Love your brother's photo and caption, lol.
    Your daughter is just beautiful.
    Show me a family that is sane... oops I mean show me someone in MY family that is sane, teehee.

  11. You always been very supportive of my blog.

    This post had me grinning and chuckling at almost every line. To quote you ":-):-):-)"

  12. Thanks Brenda!

    Thanks Tracey! I think it's every family. Some just...I dunno...hide it better or something maybe. :-)

    SJ - Is that you?!?!? Did someone steal your profile? Are you well? Where's the smart aleck comment and/or pun? To quote myself " :-) :-) :-)".

  13. I love all your funny signs!! You have a great eye!! And your daughter is beautiful!

  14. Your daughter is lovely! Nie sign shots to!

  15. Thank you Reds & Suzy!

  16. Hell, if the candles on that Manorah don't go out at 60mph, "I'll" convert to Judisim.

  17. Lotus - I guess chalk up one in the car owner's favor then! :-)

  18. awww, i want to live on the corner of mchorter and mchorter, dammit!

    i dont think i'd ever get 1 bill delivered succesfully to me!

  19. Slyde - You should definitely move!
