Thursday, February 03, 2011

Who Needs ACTUAL Snow to Have a Snow Day? Hello from the land of the rolling blackouts...

We have a snow day tomorrow!

We don't actually have any SNOW, but we have a snow day.

And to all those people who are laughing at Houston just because we don't need an actual snowflake to shut down the city, I say this - YES the schools may have called a little on the early side.

But if a city has
no snow plows
no sand or salt trucks
no cars with four wheel drive/all wheel drive
no snow tires
and nobody's even heard of a cotton pickin' ice scraper...
it might be a little hard to drive in inclement weather.

I think Houstonians deserve a snow day just because we THOUGHT about snow. Or hail. Or sleet. Or even the ice pellets they're predicting.

And considering our average commute times are ALREADY among the nation's highest even when the weather is gorgeous, we probably ought to shut the city down when it rains too.

At any rate, here's the picture of herself my Sweet Pea likes:
Cassie Montrose good hair

Never mind that she's scowling. She has good hair.

And here's a picture of a sign. I've always wanted to take a picture of this sign. I don't know why. But I wish I had done it before Hurricane Ike lopped off the top and Enrique added his two cents:
westbury sign small
At any rate, I'll let you know if we get any actual weather, besides from the pipes which are already bursting left and right. Did I mention we had rolling blackouts yesterday?

Happy week everyone!


  1. Enjoy your snow day! Heehee!!

    Yes, I heard from a friend in TX about the rolling blackouts. Nuts!

    We lost power here for about three hours. Ick. We had a luverly ice storm.

  2. We hav enot had any black outs but we have suffered mightily with SLOW INTERNET!!
    The humanity.
    I like your sign photo very much and Enrique is completely self centered in putting up his sign.

  3. It is just so nice to finally have a snow day! although some of the fun was taken away since they decided on it today, there is nothing like waking up to that early alarm and then find out you don't have to go to school and then you roll over and go back to sleep.

  4. Thanks Marlene! Sorry about your power being out!

    Cid - Actually, I the power didn't go off at our house either, but the slow internets were definitely driving me up a wall! I'm trying to get an ONLINE master's, which is not so great when you can't get to things online. :-0 And Enrique should just use some common courtesy and take his sign down, don't you think?!?!?

    Beth - Nah. For my part I like the kind of fun where you don't even have to set the alarm just fine! Plus, all that business where you have to listen for your school while 756 schools close but not yours and then you accidentally sneeze when they get to your school's part of the alphabet...I can live without all that. :-) :-) :-) If you want though, I can call you and wake you up at 6:00 a.m. and start saying the names of the schools in alphabetical order!!!! :-) :-) :-)

  5. I haven't heard of a cotton picking ice scraper either. I don't know if scraping and picking go together. But if you think it's a good idea so you could patent it.

  6. We had rolling blackouts on Wednesday here in Austin, but power all day Thursday and now it is SNOWING (3:45am) and has been for a while! I'm actually hoping for a snow day - 'cos like you said, no one in Texas is prepared for snow or ice here. The best we did was lay in a good supply of easy to eat chow to last a long cold weekend w/o having to go out!!!

  7. SJ - It would be dual purpose! One side for scraping ice, one side in case you get abandoned in a field of cotton during harvest season!

    Alison - I hope you got your wish! It's freezing rain and ice here, so it's dangerous to get on the roads after all!

  8. Too bad about the rolling blackouts - and your daughter has gorgeous hair!!

  9. She does have great hair. Have a fun snow day :)

  10. How fun to have a just-in-case snow day. Yes, she does have good hair in that shot! Love that sign and your processing on it.

  11. Snow, or no snow.. at least there is a plan!
    You are right, she really does have great hair!

  12. Thanks Reds and Annabelle! I plan on spending the majority of the day on schoolwork, but it sure will give me an easier weekend overall!

    Thanks Margaret! That's my very first time trying a texture, so I guess it came out okay!

    Thanks Leilani! A few more pictures like that of her hair and she'll probably be more up for me taking the photos. :-)

  13. We had rolling power 'load shedding' at school on Monday when it was 42C. Excellent. I fancy a snow day though. At least you can put more clothes on...

  14. I think we should have snow days once a month and they should fall on work days where we are required to stay an extra 2 hours!!

    Btw, I wasn't sure why Sweet Pea liked the picture, but then I saw the HAIR and all was made clear. Enjoy your weekend and the high of 64 we will reach today. Only in Texas baby!!

  15. Arizaphale - Yeah, they say that. But with hot weather, you can always swim & that trumps a sweater any ole day in my book. :-)

    Julie - I'll definitely support you if we start a petition. I hope you're enjoying your extra long weekend too - we did luck out this time, didn't we?!?

  16. I think any excuse for a snow day is a great idea :)
    Love the picture of your daughter. She is gorgeous. Ditto about the nice hair.

  17. Thank you Tracy! And I totally agree - any day is a good snow day!

  18. Centerette...."Business & Professional" opposed to...what. "Welfare and Untrained?"

  19. Bruce - Well, your guess is as good as mine...but my guess was as opposed to retail and restaurant...

    :-) :-) :-)
