Saturday, May 21, 2011

Because Who Doesn't Need to Rent a Few Live Chickens Every Now and Again?

When I walked into the lobby of my kids' school on Tuesday and saw a coop full of live chickens, I thought the obvious:

"Oh. They have chickens today."

If I thought any more deeply about, I just naturally assumed they were doing something educational as well as exciting and hands-on.

It turned out that I thought wrong though, because when I went in to see the receptionist, her phone had no handset. And there was almost no light in the entire building, because the light bulbs were removed and hidden. And there were random locks on every locker, and pretend appendages sticking out from ceiling tiles*.

And there was a pick up truck in the cafeteria:

The point of senior prank, as I understand it, is to cause enough chaos so that it is impossible to hold regularly scheduled classes the following day. I'm going to say this year's crop of seniors was fairly successful.

Where did they get the live chickens I wondered?

"They rented them." my Sweet Pea informed me.

But of course. What kind of sorry excuse for a city would this be if one couldn't even rent a few live chickens for making mischief?

Have I ever mentioned that I love my kids' school? More Israel photos coming next time and have a great weekend!

*Including the skeleton arm sticking out from the chicken coop, although most of them were arms and legs, not bones.


  1. The chickens were a particularly inspired choice. Those kids will go far in life...

  2. Damn I spent too much of my schooldays with books - and not the books that were part of the syllabus.

  3. Ok, now that's pretty cool. My daughter's class was too lame to much more than a serious water balloon fight - and even that had to be held out in the courtyard. I agree with the first poster - those kids hold much potential in life.

  4. I am impressed. What a great prank!! And definately not one I've heard before.

  5. Yeah Cid, I think so!

    So what kinds of books were they SJ?

    Nicki - Yeah, I'm goig to say that as fun as it probably was, a water balloon fight doesn't do much to get all the other grades out of class. This prank had even the elementary students with dark classrooms. :-)

    Wasn't it Heather? I've been encouraging my gal to think up pranks that involve chocolate. I mean, if you're going to spend money on chicken rental...surely they could spend money on chocolate.

    Sara - Wasn't it though? :-)

  6. Great pranks!
    Glad I only teach in elementary school!

  7. Kerry - It's funny you say that, because one of my first thoughts when I realized it was prank was, "I wonder if the fifth graders in our school could put together something like that..."

  8. Hmmmm.. I never knew you could rent chickens... Too funny!

  9. lol! I actually missed the skeleton arm until you pointed it out. My high school was not nearly as much fun.

  10. Ha ha ha...I love it! Harmless pranks are fun. Those kids have a very creative imagination.

  11. haha Now that is a senior prank taken to a much higher level than around here! I am impressed!

  12. LOL, I have heard of senior pranks, but no one has ever done it here. they would just skip the last day, teehee.

  13. Oh my gosh! I tried and tried to answer comments the other morning, & blogger was malfunctioning or something! Anyway, very late but:

    Yolanda - Me neither! Now when my parents come into town I can ask them, "Are you going to rent a car? What about a chicken?"

    Cbeck - I don't even remember my high school having a "senior prank", much less one so elaborate.

    Marlene - Don't they though?

    Janet - So was I!!!!

    Tracy - Yeah, I think that's what my class would have done. :-)

  14. i am thinking of a dirty joke containing another name for a rooster, but i know you are too classy and refined for me to mention it.....

  15. Slyde - You're such a gentleman! Oh and also, we had this friend over for dinner the other night and he was telling us that you could use coconut milk for blood plasma (I think it was). I thought you might want to look into that for your the stint on Survivor you're destined to someday make.

  16. Super late check in here! Love this. Knew there was something awry when I spotted the skeleton arm but woah, there are future presidents planning that Prank Day :-)The only one I have seen that comes anywhere near it was when I was at at University. The Med students cemented a toilet pan to the verandah above the entrance and sat a skeleton upon it :-D

  17. I my day....we just had senior skip day, when no one showed up for class. Times have obviously changed.

    I am back in action, at least reading your blogs. Been about a month or so, trying to juggle too many things. I can't comment on all the stuff you have written in my absence, but I making an effort to read all that you have written. You loyal, hunky and intelligent follower - Lotus07

  18. Oh! Arizaphale - how did I not see this until now! Maybe we can make an online class - creative skeleton and chicken use 101. ;-) I never saw anything like it either. My kids are so lucky to go to school there!

    Bruce - Yeah, now that you say that, senior skip day sounds really, really familiar. We must have had that. It's good to see you! I've heard you can never have too many loyal, hunky, and intelligent followers. Loyal and hunky *maybe*... :-) :-) :-)
