Friday, August 10, 2012

It's Like Living in a Luxurious Hotel!

I used to have an elderly aunt who would declare (when speaking of the more or less okay skilled nursing institution where she lived):

"It's like living in a luxurious hotel!"

It was endearing and I wondered at the power of her rose colored glasses, although I've come to realize she might simply have meant, "I don't have to cook or clean."

You know what's REALLY like living at a luxurious hotel? Spending a couple of days in a luxury hotel.

And also? When you find out you have to fly halfway across the country on barely a moment's notice with a wheelchair bound 91 year old and a two month old infant, spend not quite 48 hours there, then return with the wheelchair bound 91 year old and SICK infant, a luxurious hotel is an incredibly awesome boobie prize.

It's impossible to describe the beauty of the La Jolla/San Diego area. Unfortunately, the only scenery picture I took doesn't quite capture it:

There were pelicans and dolphins and seals basking within easy reach of a camera. I only managed a photo of a piece of notebook paper someone shoved in a paper box. I don't know why.

Oh...except for that 91 year old and infant thing. I would have loved two free hands to put on the camera. Or even one, really. But here's baby in the courtyard of the luxurious hotel:

Just to update from my previous post: Yes. I WAS asked if she was a girl or a boy while she was wearing this cute pink and yellow ruffly blouse. But NOT while she was also wearing the hat.

I've also been asked if she was a girl or a boy while she was wearing this outfit. Notice she's in pink from head to toe:

So maybe she just has a cross dresser look about her. In any case, that's been our week - surprise travel and much gratitude both for luxurious hotels and for being back home.


  1. Oh she is so, so beautiful!!!

  2. She's so gorgeous! Hope baby girl is feeling much better!

  3. welcome home and sorry for Ray's loss. Glad you made it with baby and all, that alone is a huge ordeal but she looks happy in her luxury bed!

  4. I don't know, I think that is a pretty interesting photo you took of the note paper in the box.

    And the baby is cute as can be, even though she was sick.

  5. Thank you Cid!!

    Thanks Staci - she IS feeling better! Just a little boogery now. :-)

    Beth - I've been thinking a lot about your email (despite the fact that I haven't actually answered you) and the thing is, Ray's mom wouldn't have been able to go to her brother's funeral if we didn't bring her. So, as they say, there's the rub. :-( I suppose Ray could have just brought her, but since he was going all the way out there he wanted the baby and me to also be able to meet his family. It was DEFINITELY a huge ordeal though.

  6. Oh and yeah, she was very happy in the luxury bed, as was I! That was a very comfy bed. At one point Ray was changing her diaper or walking her around or something and I just spread out over as much of it as I could! :-)

  7. She is absolutely adorable. I hope she is feeling better.

  8. Thanks Susan Beth! For some reason I thought that the Sweet Pea might be interested in it. I'm not sure why. I'm glad I at least took ONE non baby picture though!

    Thanks Brenda! She is feeling better too!

  9. sick or not, she is a cutie - love that laugh.

  10. Street art is always cool. I'm thinkin' the little one's smiling because she knows one day she'll get even and make HIM wear pink for pictures. Beautiful little girl. :)

  11. That would indeed be a cool prize!

    She has gorgeous eyes. :)

  12. Love these photos. Sounds like the hotel was a great mitigating factor for a heavy duty trip.

  13. Oh my goodness, can that baby get any more cuter :)

    The rest of the note..I smell the blood of an English man, lol.

  14. Thanks Nicki!

    Funny John! The crazy thing is, he doesn't like pink, any more than I do. It's just...that's what girl's clothing comes in these days: pink, light pink, bright pink, and dusty pink. There's actually a choral pink that's almost an orange that I kind of like (on HER - wouldn't wear it myself).

    Thanks Helena!

    Arizaphale - it sure was for ME, but of course I had never met the man. We might need a king size bed one day!

    Thank you Tracy!

  15. I love this picture of your little baby in that big ole comfy bed!

    And yes, La Jolla is beautiful...that's where my husband proposed to me.
