Tuesday, October 02, 2012

This time it really is a baby falling on her face.

I semi-promised a picture of my baby falling on her face, so here it is:

Never mind the fact that Older Gal is asking to do it "Again! Again!" while the poor kid was still floundering around trying to figure out what had happened to her. It's all in good fun. I'm just glad I didn't get to see it in person.

Meanwhile, here's a picture of me and the beeb under blankies. It must have been a thing back in 1968, because my mom had like a row of three of them I think:

That's about the news from here. We're plugging along just trying to get one into college, one out of college, one just into high school, not to mention knock over a baby here and there while I'm not looking.


  1. Ohhh that baby is going to not be happy when shes a teen, lol.
    Cute pictures of you as a baby...I dont' have any....well because my parents didn't love me ;) But at least they didn't video tape me falling on my face, lol.

  2. Oh Tracy you think blogger will still be around when she's a teen? I wish actually I had my posts backed up somewhere. But six years of posts is too many, and besides I usually shrink the photos.

  3. I think the blanket on the head thing was to hide the embarrassment that is baby baldness. The trend was started before they had baby wigs.

  4. Baby wigs. Pffffffft :-D
    Oh and I personally loved the 'again, again' part best of all!

  5. Love the comparison pictures between you and baby girl.

  6. Soooo funny Cid!!!!

    Well...I suppose she was set to amuse Arizaphale. :-)

    Thanks Cindy, Staci & Nicki!

  7. Love the comparison pictures!

  8. Holly Father Time, she's going to college soon? I remember her Bar Mitzvah!

  9. Thanks Jo Ann and Norine!

    Can you believe it Oren?!?!?!?

  10. that is one precious baby.... :)
