Friday, December 14, 2012

If You're Ever Feeling Watched in You're Own Home, Maybe the Wii Fit is Spying on You

That Sweet Pea O' Mine told me this blog was getting to be "Babytopia" and I needed to put up some pictures of other stuff. She suggested pictures of herself perhaps, just for a change of scenery. Then she promptly left the country so I couldn't photograph her.

I tried to get my boy to pose, but his opinion is that I have a baby for that now. By his reasoning he shouldn't have to set foot in front of a camera for quite some time...or ever again.

Ultimately I took a picture of the Wii Fit. Because who knew that in addition to calling people fat and clumsy, it could also prey on my secret parenting insecurities?

How did the Wii fit even know he became a middle child last spring?!?!

Babytopia or not, I had to at least post this. It's only going to be cold around here for a week and a half (two weeks at most), so I might as well get pictures while I can:

Happy everything holiday to everyone!


  1. I like it when the instructor says, "You're really strong!" One day I'm going to run off with her. I also like it when she wears her hair in a pony tail. I think she likes me too.

  2. I don't have my Wii anymore. :-( Cute photos of little miss!

  3. That is a cute pic of a baby rabbit!
    We have a Wii, seldom used...

  4. O - She just likes you better because you don't ignore your kids!!!!!

    Thanks Staci & Mark!

  5. Your children are hilarious.
    Your baby is just to stinkin' cute. How can you not kiss those cheeks every second of the day.
    Oh I haven't been on the wii fit for a year or two, plus I have also gained weight. No way am I stepping on ours, lol.

  6. Ha! So pleased you got the American women spam too!
    I have never taken to the Wii ever since I tried the ski package and found it to be almost completely UNLIKE skiing (or was it karate? oh well...whatever). I note that your children's attempts to get your attention are more sophisticated, or at least more technological than mine.

  7. Oh my gosh Arizaphale - the spam was soooooooo bad for awhile! I was spending more time deleting than blogging! I had to change some settings. The exercises on the wii definitely take some getting used to. I think it helps if you play games/do activities that you don't do in real life. :-)
