Thursday, August 08, 2013

My Baby Has a Longer Attention Span Than I Do

Me to the Boogaloo - "I'm all done putting your clothes away. Now Mama's going to go to the bathroom."

Me to Boogaloo - "We should pick up your books real quick. They're all over the place."

Me - Pauses to pick up books and then figures out the baby is nowhere to be found. Remembers that she needed a diaper change.

Me - "Where's the baby? Where is that pooey diaper? I need a poopey diaper to change! I'm looking for pooey!"

Me - "Oh there you are! In the bathroom! Why are you in there? Oh yeah...I said I was going to go to the bathroom, didn't I?"

It turns out she's a better dancer than me too:


  1. That is the cutest thing I have seen all day. <3

  2. you really talk like that? You need more adult supervision.
    Did you ever find the baby?

    I'm a smartass and can't help myself...sorrry

  3. PS: Right there at the end of the video, thats where she lays down the big stinkie you were looking for.

  4. Funny Mark! Luckily I'm starting back to work so I'll be using a vocabulary
    aimed at four and five year olds rather than a one year old for at least part of the day. So that should help! :-)

  5. Really? Ya think?......:-D
