Sunday, October 13, 2013

Another potential disaster not averted

Look! Sister bought me a new toy, and mama installed it this morning. So now I have something else to play with in the kitchen!

It's called a safety device and it's made by Safety First. Mama closes it up and then I get to yank if off, just like this:

What?!?!?! It's supposed to keep me OUT of the dishwasher and away from the glass and sharp knives and food processor blades? Oh come on! When will these people ever learn?!?!?

I mean seriously! Just save your energy for keeping me from falling into the pool and messing with the electrical outlets would you?!?!?

(Update - evidently it's not exactly clear from my original post whether or not baby defeated the safety device in question. The translucent strap that she is messing with in the first and second pictures was supposed to stay locked in between the two oval shapes visible at the top and bottom of the strap in the third picture, preventing her from opening the dishwasher. This was a clear win on her part, since she opens the dishwasher with ease even if it's locked.)


  1. She needs to get a paying gig as a safety device tester. Just saying.

  2. Right Cid? And her own transportation too. :-)

  3. And I see the other lock on the cabinet too. Baby-proof house

  4. Mark - we like to think so...and she likes to continue to prove us wrong! :-)

  5. My kid rarely opened ANYTHING. This does not mean I was a super mom, just that she lacked curiosity. Or perhaps she had a video addiction? I could immobilise her with an episode of Thomas the Tank Engine......

  6. And she never ate anything I seem to recall! She was saving up to give you headaches over passports! :-)
