Saturday, December 07, 2013

It's Way too Cold Around Here to Even Think About Having Any Cold Weather. You Know, Cold Weather. That kind of weather they have other places that aren't here.

This baby…ok toddler…loves to help! In fact, she's helping us to the point of sheer exhaustion. She helps unload the dishwasher. She still doesn't really care whether the dishes are dirty or clean. She'll lick either and scatter them on the floor.

Have you ever seen anyone quite so gleefully doing household chores?

She helps make eggs.

They're pretty good too.

She helps clear her place at the table…by throwing all her food on the floor when she's done.

And then later, hours and hours later, she helps by throwing away her food. Or at least she tries - she set this particular piece of banana on top of the garbage can for me to encounter later when I least expected it.

She couldn't throw it away because we have to keep the garbage can locked. Because otherwise she will help us empty the garbage.

She even helped Dad unwrap one of his presents. It's totally okay that he hadn't gotten home from work yet and didn't know he had a present waiting for him. Right?

One place she won't be helping out - the city's Snowfest. Never mind that this is Texas and it's only snowed once in the past six or more years. The sign said the snow fest was STILL being held! Still! One has to at least celebrate the lack of snow with some fake snow. Or something.

Unfortunately, the Snowfest was canceled due to inclement weather.

What exactly was the inclement weather that heralded the demise of the Snowfest?

Wait for it…

It was cold.

Yep. It was a doggone 37 degrees today and WAY too cold to have a festival celebrating snow. Drat. Think of all the help the little Boonga could have given them.


  1. You have to get L a little vacuum. For some odd reason, this has been a favorite toy of each of my kid. Think of the photo ops....

  2. Oh my gosh YES! What a great idea!!!! I wonder if they make a wet/dry version of the little hand held ones so she could vacuum up all the squished fruit she throws on the floor?!?!?

  3. she is such a helpful little cutie isn't she ;)
    I guess it is cold there for Texas, but we were at -30C here which is -22F. We still had our parade of lights. But then again we are crazy Canadians, lol.

  4. She's such an adorable little helper, though! Even if her help isn't really very helpful.

    And where I live, we only cancel the snowiest if there is no snow. ;)

  5. Snow fest. But we do pro ably have the snowiest snow fest in the country.

  6. OMG this is adorable! And cancelling the Snowfest? Hahahahahahahahaha TOO funny. Actually the whole idea of a snowfest in Texas is kinda funny....xx

  7. Yeah Tracy it's actually balmy here compared to Canada!

    Lara - I actually filled the dishwasher yesterday but she was so busy emptying it that I cleaned the dishes and put them up on the counter.

    Right Arizaphale?!? There wasn't even any precipitation!
