Thursday, May 15, 2014

My Dad Once Told Me That Life Was More Than Just a Parade. And it is. But Not on Art Car Parade Day.

For those who don't know where I am plastering things all over the internet these days (since it's obviously not here) it's mostly here: Do Try This At Home.  I don't think you need a Facebook account to see it.

Anyhow, here are baby's bday pictures in case you somehow missed me posting them all over the known social media world:

Her birthday IS on Art Car parade day...depending on what calendar you follow.

Even a birthday at a parade needs a candle in the shape of the birthday number.  

We lucked out!  The Lego / toy car parked RIGHT in front of us and let the kids put toys onto the car!

They didn't even mind if we played with the toys a little before sticking them on!  People who drive cars covered in toys turn out to be very nice people.

Did I mention the car was covered in toys?

Dad gives baby a bird's eye view:

The Lego car eventually had to go on it's merry way and get in the correct order.  Then it was time for BUBBLES!

Here's how to find the birthday girl in a crowd of 300,000:

We're having fun now!

You'd think these pictures would be in some kind of order.  But you'd be wrong.

Making our own mini art cars.

For some reason, brother studied US History throughout.  We'll find out if it was worth it once we get back his exam scores.

It's a car.  No really.

Here's a GREAT idea!  You could "like" my Facebook page.  And yeah, I have Jamberry stuff on there.  And whatever I find that seems worth posting.  But I put up plenty of baby pictures too, and every once in awhile I even still find a funny sign!  So...if you like me (or even if you merely tolerate me), "like" Do Try This At Home


  1. Happy birthday to your little cutie! She's getting so big!

  2. So much to say about this! OK I am putting the wine aside and hunkering down. Firstly: I cannot but help notice your bebe in each photo, perhaps because she seems to draw the light!? Secondly: I am loving that boy studying despite everything!
    Thirdly: well, what the hell, I am just so impressed by the way you are pulling that family together.It is evident in these photos

  3. Thank you Staci! I can't believe how FAST it happens!

    And awww, thanks Ariziphale! I think it's the baby more than it is me but still, it's a nice compliment. :-)

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