Saturday, December 06, 2014

If Only We'd Known That We Could Have Just Locked the Cat in a Bathroom, We Wouldn't Have Had to Do This Whole Kitchen Renovation Thing

For those beating down the door to see pictures of how the kitchen renovation is're time has come at last!

"Isn't it driving you crazy?"

Why yes, yes it is.  It IS driving us crazy to have a cement floor since last May.

But it will all be worth it!!!!!

Because I took THIS photo the other day using ISO 400 at night!  Indoors!  And with NO other light except the ones that my Partner in Crime put in!!!! On my D5000, which is like...unheard of!

kitchen diy ceiling lighting renovation redo

The excellent indoor lighting means that what does or doesn't happen with the floor or the cabinets or  the flies and wasps that are making their way in due to the gaping holes in the walls doesn't seem nearly as bad...

As long as I can figure out how to use the fancy light switches my Partner in Crime installed.

It turns out that those cute little things I thought were paint pots at first glance were like the donut holes of the construction world. 

kitchen renovation ceiling lights diy

kitchen renovation diy ceiling lighting

kitchen renovation diy ceiling lighting

Here's a spot where my Partner in Crime had to put one of those little holes back into the ceiling.  Because it turns out that you can't install ceiling lighting directly into a vent:

kitchen renovation diy ceiling lighting

And so now we are still traipsing to and from the fridge day in and day out on bare cement, but it is VERY well lit bare cement!  I have never been so pleased with bare cement in all my life!

Despite the fact that having giant holes in the walls and ceiling is GREAT for calling your almost 17 year old downstairs with the handle of a broom or mop (whatever it does or doesn't do for insect control), my Partner in Crime continues to slave away to get us some semblance of walls and ceilings back together:

kitchen renovation wall work

All in all, there was only one remaining problem with the bare cement. With the wall removed, it was next to impossible to keep That-Cat-I-Never-Talk-About from using it as a giant litter box.  So we confined him to our bathroom.

It's weird, but he kind of loves it there.  He's got his own cozy little spot under the sink, and he has visiting hours from from the Pain-in-the-Neck-Cat-Who-Thinks-He's-a-Human.  Or dog.

I forgot to show "before" pictures, but here are right after the before, knocking out the wall pictures!

If you'd like to see more "kitchen re-do" pictures, here are other posts:

 Walls May Come and Go But Toddlers Requesting Breakfast Out of the Garbage is Forever

 Our Kitchen Renovation Has Leaked Out All Over the Living Room

 Of Digestive Disease and Washi Tape (I had no idea putting washi tape on drinking glasses would be so popular!)


  1. amazing how handy he is around the house! wish I could say the same!

  2. Looks like a ton of work, but I'm sure you'll be happy when it's all done! Happy Holidays!

  3. All that hard work, been there! I have my fingers and toes crossed that it goes smoothly and quickly for you! Its going to be great!

  4. Looks like it's coming along very nicely. Funny about your cat. Lock him up and he actually likes it. Who knew?

    Love your photos. What camera do you use?

  5. Beth - Gregg could probably do the same. From the looks of things, it's a lot of trial and error.

    Thanks Mrs. Major Hoff! I'm a little bit wondering if it's EVER going to be done...but I'm already enjoying the lights!

    Thank you Christine!

    2justByou - It is funny, right? I use a Nikon D5000.

  6. More light is wonderful! Can't wait to see the finished project! We're remodeling our kitchen next year.

  7. It has been Lucy! Good luck with your project too!

  8. Modern day home renovation is what drives the profits of Lowe's and Home Depot....hence the GDP for the entire nation. Thanks for doing your part!

  9. You're so welcome Bruce! We do our best!
