Monday, December 15, 2014

Last Minute Hanukkah, Chanukah, AND Chanukka Gifts (with Free Printable!)

Two gift ideas!  If you happen to be a teacher who might or might not be receiving a gift from our Chief of Destruction...please try not to peek!

Basically we have two things going on here: personalized mugs and personalized jars.

Chanukah Hanukkah gift ideas mug jars

The personalized mugs are all over the internet these days, big surprise there.

If you want to make them, just draw with an OIL paint Sharpie, such as these beautiful markers...

(Disclaimer - affiliate link ahead! Amazon will give me like 8 cents or so if you click through and buy.  Still, I'm almost up to a dollar over there!  So exciting.)

Sharpie Oil-Based Medium Point Paint Markers, 5 Fashion Colored Markers (1770459)

Bake in the oven at 350 degrees for a half hour's supposed to stay on through the dishwasher and everything.  Who knows if it really does or not, but it looks pretty though, don't you think?  We're going to put gift cards inside.

Chanukah Hanukkah mug gift idea

Chanukah Hanukkah gift idea mug

Our next teacher gift which I will hopefully not ruin the surprise by posting here are gift jars:

Chanukah Hanukkah Hanukah jar free printable gift idea

We filled it with white tulle and this DELICIOUS chocolate (another affiliate link).  Not only is it incredibly yummy, but it's 70% dark.  That means it's ALMOST DIET FOOD!!!!  Or at least it qualifies for the South Beach Diet.  Maybe Atkins too, who knows?  

It's good stuff at any rate:

Theo Chocolate Organic 70% Dark Chocolate Sea Salt -- 3 oz

And now, the moment you've all been waiting for!  A link to the free printable.  Obviously, I left off the name of my own kid, so it could have your kid's(s') name!

Click here to download Latke Chanukah label!

Chanukah picture books also make a great gift! Click here for a big list of over 25 Hanukkah picture books!

Have a happy whatever-winter-holiday-you-celebrate folks!


  1. These are cute gifts and I like the idea of putting a gift card holder in them :)

  2. Found you on Treasure Box Tuesday. The ideas are adorable, and I haven't seen the mug idea all of the net. What a cute and easy gift! Thanks for sharing the book ideas too I'll be passing the on to my daughter in law

  3. I use colored sharpies to stencil designs on my Ford Truck.....they truly are the wonder pen of our age. So many uses.

  4. Thanks Judee and Mark!

    Right Bruce? Love Sharpies! :-)

  5. I LOVE the "Thanks A Latke" Gift! Too Cute!

  6. I must go out right now and get me some almost diet food! (and I love that printable. I've worked as a Nanny for lots of Jewish Families - where were you then?)

  7. Thanks Mandee!

    Funny Dana! I'm considering an all chocolate diet. :-) Well...maybe chocolate and alcohol. :-) :-) :-)

  8. omg, the Thanks a Latke gift is AWESOME.

    I wish I had people to give it to, it's that cute!!!!

    And I love the mug idea. You've got some creative juices flowing this Chanukah (my favorite and standard way of spelling!) season!!

  9. Thank you Andrea!!!! I was kind of proud of drawing that latke (in Photoshop), because the Chief of Destruction actually recognized it! I could tell because she pointed out "Dere's a latke!" :-)

  10. Cute! Thanks for sharing at the Thoughtful Spot Blog Hop! :)
