Monday, March 16, 2015

Installing Ikea Kitchen Cabinets Requires Many Uses of the "F" Word...and other things we've been up to lately...

We've almost hit the one year mark on the home renovations, but we're making progress!  We're getting in the kitchen cabinets, with much help of course.

Installing Ikea Kitchen Cabinets

Because it always helps to have a toddler speeding things along.  And by "speeding things along" I mean "Getting every last piece put together tightly before she figures out ANOTHER way to destroy something..."

Installing Ikea Kitchen Cabinets: Toddler Style

Installing Ikea Kitchen Cabinets

All in all, it's starting to shape up!

Meanwhile, I've had a few things published elsewhere on the internets:

If you feel like reading something TOTALLY serious (especially if you've every been to a Parent-Teacher conference), I have a post up on Blunt Moms:

A Label by Any Other Name: One Teacher's View of Diagnosing a Child

Here's a post I have on the Today Show's Parenting Team.

It's Okay to Let Dad be Right

While you're over there, why not vote for me?  I won't get on the Today Show with my measly little votes, but it can't hurt to click the number anyway!

It's actually very easy to vote - just one click on the number

I have a delicious recipe up on the Texas Women Bloggers website!  Not-Pizza Frittata.  It's delish!

Don't mind the fact that it says it was written by Taylor.  I actually did write it!

Last but not least, the Head of Demolition herself has been featured a couple of times now on Great Moments in Parenting:

Here she is winning Purim!

And "playing bingo."  Her way, of course.

Perhaps the biggest news of all: another little chickie has left the nest!  Our Editor in Chief is now in command of her own apartment!  I'm in the middle of turning her bedroom into a craft studio, but no pictures just yet (as usual, I forgot the "before" picture).

Hope everyone is having a good week!


  1. I love Ikea cabinets! Can't wait to see your finished kitchen. And that's a pretty cute little "helper" you've got there :)

  2. Toying with the idea of some Ikea input to spruce up the old kitchen and potentially encourage a buyer....but is it worth it?????
