Thursday, March 19, 2015

There Can Never Be Enough Singing Toddlers in the World. Ever.

I had this whole blog post written in my head about how my almost 3-year-old had never seen the movie Frozen.

Shocking, right?  Like...hasn't every toddler and preschooler on the planet seen it by now?  But mine hadn't.  Not for any particular reason really...

I was going to tie it all into the Women's Lives campaign, because my efforts for that campaign have been flailing a little recently.  I figured I would also mention the Head of Demolition's deplorable lack of Barbie dolls. Just, you know...a double whammy for the whole questioning of role models thing.

But then my almost 20-year-old babysat my two-year-old. And so now I present you with exactly what the world desperately needs, another singing toddler.  Because you can never, ever, ever have too many singing toddlers.


  1. HAHAHAHAH! She sounds like Ertha Kitt or something :-D

  2. So cute! I love when asks about the picture not realizing it's a video.

  3. Adorable! I was just telling my daughter that I love that we live in a time that allows me to take pics and video of my kids!! They are such treasures!!

  4. So adorable! Yes, we do need more singing toddlers. Instant happiness.

  5. You are so right, the world can never have too many singing toddlers.

  6. Adorable! I love her hand movements! Very theatrical and cute!

  7. We held off for a LONG time, but my girls finally saw Frozen. Sister love for the win!

  8. Thanks Everyone!

    And Julie, that's my favorite part too!

    SO true Melissa!
