Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Wordless (not really) Wednesday: Absurd Things I Have Done in the Interest of Amusing My Children

I'm not sure exactly what came over me, but the Chief Travel Correspondent and I took the Head of Demolition to see Anna and Elsa at the Frozen Festival at the mall.

It was AMAZING! If you squished just right and got griped at by enough security officers, you could ALMOST see Elsa's braid!

Luckily the Chief Travel Correspondent actually got the Head of Demolition kind of a good view...

Before she headed back off to college:

Meanwhile, lesson learned! We won't be headed back the dreaded mall anytime soon! Happy Wordless (oops) Wednesday all!


  1. Haha! fab photos especially the last one :-)

    Have a tanfastic week :-)

  2. I have to say, I would not even let my children know there was the possibility of such an event. That looks crazy! Cute picture at the end though.

  3. AW, awesome photos. Here is to a great school year!

  4. I would do it for my grandchildren, probably didn't have the patience when my kids were young. Good for you! Have a great week and come visit and link up at Teresa

  5. I hope she has a great year in college. You have very unique nick names for your family. There must be a story behind those names.

  6. haha! That's pretty funny. I've never seen craziness like the Frozen sensation. (My daughter loves it, too, of course!)

  7. Aw, so nice to see the love between siblings!

  8. Aww! Even if there was little Elsa...there were lots of memories made! :)

  9. Haha things we do for our kids! We did this too. Lining up for hours (me and my husband lining alternately) just to meet my son's fave TV host =P

  10. Head Of Demolition, that's a job title I'd like to have!

  11. Guess anything to do with Frozen still draws a crowd! That is super busy! Thanks for linking up!
