Wednesday, December 26, 2007

But he's a Practical Psycho...

and a really cute one too. Or maybe they just call that being a boy. At any rate, Jared made this little wire guy in art and told me he had made "a hanging man." I was mildly worried, until I heard him talking to himself while playing with wire guy:
He can't have a sword while he's bungee jumping. That would be dangerous.
That's my boy! Not only do I not have to worry about a penchant for the noose, he wouldn't do anything dangerous while bungee jumping either.

A few moments later Casandra hopped into the car and accused Jared of lynching wire guy. "He's bungee jumping sweet pea," I assured her.

But Cassie still suspected foul play: "Well, he's got it around his neck and his hands and feet are tied up too!" Okay! So my son is up for a little lynching! But at least he doesn't let his wire guy carry a sword while he bungee jumps. He's so practical that way.


  1. that is a classic kid quote- love it.

  2. Wired man, not so psycho. Voodoo doll, psycho! LOL

  3. It's very important to limit your load of sharp objects when bungee jumping, especially if you are bound while jumping. Obviously the kid is headed for a job with OSHA. Or maybe an insurance investigator, one of those ones in the field with cameras, and stalking gear and good stuff like that. Oh yeah baby! Karen (a strange life)

  4. You mean he's practically a psycho. You be careful you.

  5. That's boys for you, you never know what they'll come up with next.

  6. Boys are freaks.

    He should make more. Then he can have bungee jumping massacres.

  7. It is important to recognize the dangers of bungee jumping with a sword.

  8. ROFL! boys will be boys ;)

  9. That is typical boy behavior. I had all sorts of crazy blood and guts situations with my toys when i played with them. I have no clue what I was thinking but I turned out.....OK I guess.

    but do be careful about depictions of lynching. Some knucklehead will get the wrong idea and try to make your son look evil and make a big to do about it.

  10. If it makes you feel any better I used to burn the hair off of Barbie dolls so they could play hellraiser and I turned out just fine.

  11. Haha wired man no jump with sword!

  12. I have lots of stories about the Adventures of Chip the Headless Hamster and I didn't turn out so bad. Right? I'm fiscally conservative, socially liberal, occasionally sugar rushed, over caffeinated, image of a modern manager
