Friday, December 21, 2007

A Twipply Skwood Christmas

Whip out the tissues and antidepressants folks - it's as many Christmas songs as I could reasonably search out on project playlist!

KIDDING! They're not ALL depressing...the Robert Earl Keen song might be my favorite Christmas song EVER, because I love ANY Christmas carol that has a tampon in the lyrics. Must be the influence of those little kitties 'o mine...

(Yeah, yeah, Adam Sandler's got that Chanukah song out there, but for some reason there are just a lot more great Christmas songs...what you can you do?)


  1. I LOVE the Chaunkah song.

    And 2 of the best Christmas songs are: "The Twelve Pains of Christmas" and "Dominic the Donkey". Seriously, search for them - they're awesome.


    Here's a link to the Dominic the Donkey song - listen and love.

  3. I'm betting the cats love the Robert Keen song as well.

  4. This is all so much better than the Ventures Christmas album.

  5. Shit I misspelled Chanukah on my post lol whoops...Love those songs Jill I am dying laughing over here!

  6. Alf - my son thoroughly enjoyed Doninic the donkey, thanks! Trout Fishing in America had a funny one, but I couldn't find it - something about the 12 kitties of Christmas or something like that.

    Funny Delmer - they do loooooove that one!

    Christine - glad you liked it, though I have to fess up to never having heard of the Ventures Christmas album.

    Roger - I believe it's impoossible to mispell Haunnukaah. Seriously. I've heard you can spell it however you want, as long as it's got 8 letters for the 8 nights, but I've also seen it published with less or more letters. And glad you enjoyed! :-) :-) :-)

  7. Jill - this is in response to your comment to Roger about any spelling of the Festival of Lights having eight letters. Hmmmm that is one thing that never registered in my brain. Gosh gee whillikers Jilly, keep 'em coming.

  8. Please be advised of my best wishes for an environmentally-conscious, socially-responsible, low stress, non-addictive, gender-neutral winter solstice holiday, practiced within the most joyous tradition of the religious persuasion of your choice, and with respect for the religious persuasions of others, or for their choice not to practice a religion at all.

    Also please have a fiscally successful, personally-fulfilling and medically uncomplicated recognition of the generally accepted calendar year 2008, but not without due respect for the calendars of choice of other cultures whose contributions to our society have helped make our nation great, without regard to the race, creed, colour, religious or sexual orientation of those
    so distinguished...oh and lots of xo's from our fmaily to yours!

  9. Ray - Hey, I was thinking 'bout doing laundry on Christmas day but talking spelling sounds like WAY more fun!!!!!!! We could do that right after we read... ;-)

    DJ Kirkby - Same to you!!!!!!

  10. I heard that Adam Sandler song and it's hilarious!
    All the best to you and your family Jill.


  11. The Adam Sandler song almost killed my grandmother.

    At Thanksgiving dinner my 4 year old suddenly started singing "OJ Simpson"...then YELLED "NOT A JEW!!" We had just finished saying grace and I think she almost swallowed her wine glass.

    So....that song almost killed my Grandmother.

  12. Jill we need more good Chanukkah songs! Let's write some.

  13. Thanks Noelia!

    And TOO FUNNY Ingrid! Hope she recovered quickly...

    Ricardo - Sounds great! How should it sound? I'm partial to folk rcok and Sri Lankan refugee rap...
