Tuesday, December 18, 2007


Here's my girl as Maud Dunlop in The Music Man:
In these two pictures, she's the one doing a cartwheel and then a back flip across the stage, in a red top with a brown skirt, no less:Aside from watching my sweet pea's delighted smile for two hours a show each of three shows, the best thing about having a kid in The Music Man has been the addition of the word "Shipoopi!" into our vocabulary. Not only is it a versatile term of endearment, but inserting it randomly into conversation is almost as fun as saying things like, "Don't step in the Shipoopi!"

As if performing in front of a kajillion people weren't enough, they had a cast party at which they gave out awards. I'm pretty sure my sweetie won an award for being a pain in the neck. The director called it an award for "creativity" and explained that she had a lot of great suggestions. I'm pretty sure that means the same thing as "pain in the neck."

(I'm TOTALLY KIDDING about the award my sweet pea! Congratulations on your performances AND your award!!!!!! Love, Mama)


  1. Jill she looks beautiful! I bet she made you proud doing her cartwheels and what not.
    And congrats to her for her Award :)

  2. what a fun post and i was hoping to find info on the Shipoopi title :)

  3. Wow how much fun. She will remember these times for the rest of her life... I know this because I was in musicals when I was in Junior High school. Great entry!!

  4. LOL over the award, sounds like a good award for a lot of people, hee hee. Tell your daughter congratulations on being in the show, I'm sure she worked really hard.

  5. What a great smile she has!

  6. Your daughter is gorgeous and whatta smile! I think she has your smile and school musicals are FUN!

  7. Good looking kid Jill & ((((applause))) to her show!!

  8. How dare she be so talented?! Well done to your clever girl.

  9. Thanks Noelia, Jill, Sherry, Theresa, Alf, Heather & Roger!

    Ms.Q - Y'know lots & lots of her is me...but I'm afraid that smile is from her dad's side of the family - she has my ex mother in law's jaw. I have the rest of her though I'm pretty sure!

    DJ Kirkby - Oh! Well the talent is also something she didn't get from me - I could never even do a cartwheel!!!!! :-)

  10. Congrats to her...

    The world would be worse place without it's pain-in-the-necks so it's all good.

  11. i cannot wait to stub my toe/spill my coffee/see someone i dont want to talk to on the caller ID and be able to say "shipoopi" for the first time. thanks!

  12. She does cartwheels and backflips? What do you feed these kids! :)

  13. Thanks SJ! I'm sure glad you appreciate my personality type...oh wait...I mean HER personality type!!

    Disa - Hope you can get some good use out of the word!

    Saradevil - She doesn't get it from me, that's for certain! But since you asked, organic peanut butter, mostly. :-)

  14. Cute! Rights to do The Music Man must be on sale lately, because I've done it 3 times in the last year.

    If you think Shipoopi is a good one, wait until she does "The King and I" and goes around saying, "Geooooooorrrrge!" from the "The Small House of Uncle Thomas" ballet!!

  15. Curlie Glamor Girlie - Yeah, Shipoopi has been fun so far, but shouting "Gooooooooooor!!!!" from the book Tales of Desperaux was really great and sounds like it would be similar to "Geooooooooooooooorrrrrrrrrrrrrge!!!!"

    Thanks Kerry!
