Monday, June 29, 2009

Yeah So I Lied Just a Little Bit

I really don't know when I will and won't have internet access over the next couple days. That part was true.

My gal really did tattoo a naked rat. So that was true too.

But it wasn't all the pictures I had. I lied about that part. It was ALMOST all the pictures I had. It turns out I have this picture of some veggies. These are the palest carrots and celery I've ever seen:And I'm not saying there's anything necessarily WRONG with orange cauliflower, but how can it be an American Classic?!? You'd think if it were an American classic, Americans would have at least heard of it. Maybe even eaten it. Like, I pie.

Anyway, I think I'll have internet by the time this posts. But just in case I posted ahead of time. Because the world just can't wait for a picture of orange cauliflower, for cryin' out loud. At least America can't wait. Because how else can I pull this American classic out of its relative obscurity?


  1. Orange one pause

  2. Those carrot sticks look an awfully lot like garlic cloves--peculilar. hehe!!

  3. Yeah apple pie is an American classic the place I've got to it was McDonald's.

  4. Oh yuck. Nothing like that ever grows in my garden I am happy to say!

  5. Orange is my favorite color but I have to draw the line somewhere.

  6. An American classic? Probably not. But it would be full of beta-carotene and that is a good thing! Sorry - scientist.

  7. Lara - you can't disguise that stuff and make it look like mashed potatoes like regular cauliflower I'll betcha!

    Jillene - Yeah, those are like the breath freshening carrot sticks! :-)

    Kristine - I thought so! I'm not totally against weird food, but...

    SJ - I'm so sorry (about the McDonalds).

    DJ - Well obviously! I mean that orange cauliflower stuff is an AMERICAN classic! :-) :-) :-)

    Kerry - I'm with you! I mean, I didn't buy the purple carrots when they were in the grocery store...maybe they gave the color from the carrots to the cauliflower.

    AFM - Yeah. I guess. I really thought carrots were fine though. :-) :-) :-)

  8. those look suspiciously like garlic cloves and diced onions. I would say the Whole Foods employee who bagged and labeled those items was smoking some all natural "herbs" of his own that day!
