Sunday, October 04, 2009

My Left Hand...

looks like this as of yesterday afternoon:


  1. Debra (sushicata)10/4/09, 1:36 PM

    fun! Congratulations!

  2. Woo hoo! Congratulations! It's gorgeous.

    Is this going to make you the girl who knows a song about a chicken?

  3. Congratulations! That's fun and exciting.

  4. Holy crow, congrats Jill!!!! Bee-youteeful.

  5. Thanks Jeff, Debra, Lara, Derek & Maureen!

    Lara - I did know a song about a chicken! :-)

  6. When I saw the post in my feed reader I expected to see a bandaged thumb or something. This is so much better.


  7. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
    (squeal of excitement)
    Tell all, tell all, how did it happen???? Candles? Moonlight? Bended knees? Or was it a variation of the song about a chicken....

  8. You have beautiful hands. That lucky chicken-man.

  9. OMG!!!!!!!!!OMG, OMG, OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Squeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Very happy for you both. xo

  10. Funny (yet morbid) Delmer! :-) :-) :-)

    Arizaphale - We went together to the jewelry store with him telling me (and me believing) that we were just looking and getting ideas. The whole time I kept expecting him to say, "Ok, well thanks for showing us. We'll give it some thought." But somehow we ended up leaving the store with a ring. Then we went downtown for the bended knee at the spot where we first kissed (a waterfall fountain downtown on the bayou). And then since it was the Jewish holiday of Sukkot, we went to the Sukkot party we had been planning on going to that night. A different friend told me was weird - that we were supposed to do the candlelight thing with dinner by ourselves...but what the heck. It was Sukkot and there WAS a moon & we ended up bringing a bottle of champagne with us to the party. :-)

    Thanks SJ! My gal insists my hands are all kinds of pretty. I don't agree with her, but it's nice to have a hand fan club of sorts. :-) :-) :-)

    Thanks DJ Kirkby!!!!

  11. Congratulations!

    And does this make The Gal hassle you less about living in sin?

  12. Congratulations again! J and I are so happy for you and the guy...!

  13. Christine - Some of the very first words out of the gal's mouth were, "You're still not supposed to be living together." That will have to be on my list of sins not to do NEXT year I guess.

    Thanks Moxievanilla & A Free Man!! :-) :-) :-)

  14. Congratulations! Will there be songs about chickens at your wedding???

  15. Awwwww, congratulations! (And I know what song you will have at your wedding!)

  16. Hey, is that one of those new fangled one handed glass cutters?

    (this isn't going to be another one of those reasons for you to stop blogging for 2 weeks is it?)

    He was probably feeling guilty about cutting the cable while working in the garden.

  17. Alf - Thanks Alf! I don't see why not on the chicken songs... :-) :-) :-)

    Thanks Janet! And I finally got the kitty story up. It was interrupted by a surprise engagement. :-)

    Bruce - Yes, I think that's what they called it at the jewelry store. Either that or a "princess cut". :-) (on the non blogging for 2 weeks - I dunno, I thought maybe I should post minute by minute entries on what it's like to be engaged. "Took engagement ring off to wash my hands. It looked slightly dirty on the bottom of the inner part of the band, so I rubbed it with a washcloth..." What do you think?!?! KIDDING!!!!!!!!!!!) Funny about the cable!

  18. Wowwwwwwwwwww
    happy for you both.

  19. Thanks James & Kristine!!!! :-)

  20. A nice posting. Thank you so much.
    Read More

  21. Okay, I haven't stopped by in forever, so I'm glad I didn't totally miss this! Congratulations!!!

  22. WOOO! Getting hitched? Mazel Tov!

  23. Thanks Unity, Heather, & Ricardo! Even though, Ricardo, I know what you're really thinking - probably something along the lines of "Better her than me!"
