Monday, April 12, 2010

This Blog is a Bargain. Apparently.

While innocently doing my schoolwork this weekend, I ran across an article on making a living by blogging. "Don't expect to make more than $50,000," it warned. But, it said, you mostly have to write about certain things to make a living. Let's see...they were sex, famous people, and something else I can't remember.

So yeah. My family sat three rows behind Lyle Lovett and his mom in the (totally awesome) Anderson Fair movie last weekend!!!!

And I have a whole category on dating and another on vibrating boobs. Does that make this blog worth $50,000?

No? Drat! I wish I could remember what that third thing was...

Anyhow, DJ Kirkby came over here looking for pictures of homemade tortillas awhile back. This is what I do for those kids o' mine: I make them a few dozen tortillas most every Sunday to pack in their lunches. (Recipe here!)Also, I took a bunch of pictures of mailboxes. I guess I was just impressed that they were all more or less on the same block of the same street.

I took this one's picture out of pity. It looked a little sad.

This is the one that originally caught my interest.

It's quite a variety for one street, isn't it?

I saw the Anderson Fair movie, The-Guy-Who-Knows-A-Song-About-A-Chicken miraculously installed a shower door without even cursing a bunch or running back to the hardware store for something he didn't know he needed, and I wrote more essays for school than you can shake a stick at. That's been our week so far - hope you're having a good one!


  1. I want that fish!!!! Damn, I'll get thrown out of the HOA here....but jeeze louise, that is one cool fish!

  2. Those are some neat mailboxes.
    My dad made mine. It is made out of oak and has a cut out heart in the middle.

    So how much you planning on making on your blog LOL

  3. Those mailboxes are cool, lol! Kinda looks like my town!

    And those tortillas look divine!!! Yum!!!

  4. Cool mailboxes. I feel badly for the broken one. It isn't living up to the neighborhood standard.

  5. You could start by filling those mailboxes with printed copies of your blog. Don't forget to include the blog address so they can come here read about sex and help you make money.

  6. I think the key is to write about ONE thing. That way the ad people get their money's worth on repeat interest. Wide-ranging blogs are not all that profitable. Darnit.

  7. Marlene - Would you believe there were, like, three of those things? I only took a picture of the one though.

    Tracy - Well, I could really make considerably less than $50,000 and still replace my current earnings...KIDDING! I can't even manage to put one of those google ads up there! Seems like then it would be too much like work & not enough like hobby...
    Your mailbox sounds cute!

    Thanks Stephanie!

    Sunshine & Shadows - Yeah. I hope the neighbors rally round and show the poor dear some support...

    SJ - You know, I didn't read the actual article, but the abstract didn't mention ANYTHING about overhead!

    Christine - Well, darn it all...sitting behind Lyle Lovett at the movies is probably a once in a lifetime thing, so I guess I'll have to focus exclusively on vibrating boobies. Oh well. It's been fun... (kidding!)

  8. Hey Jill, Everyone seemed to like the mailboxes, but I was more interested in how great those tortillas look!! They look really good. I don't even try anymore.

  9. Looks like the mailbox wars on that block! As for those tortillas, they look great but when you are so pressed for time, don't you think it is just worth buying a bag full for a buck or two at the store?

  10. Thanks Annemarie!

    Beth - I would, because I am sooooooo pressed for time. But the store kind are SO ICKY!!!! Bleck. :-0

  11. Hey, if you started selling tortillas through your blog, you'd soon make $50,000! Just add one of those little PayPal buttons, get a bunch of envelopes, and you'd be all set to go. :-)

  12. Janet - They'd have to be really expensive - I'm not that fast! :-) :-) :-)

  13. See this is why I can't make money off blogging. I can't write endlessly about one topic unless it is stupid things about me which is just not going to attract a big audience. sure I will write on my take on some world events but not just one thing over and over.

  14. Ricardo - Maybe we can team up or something. You take world events and I'll take vibrating boobs. Or vice versa. Oh wait...but then I'd have to post ALL my world event post to your blog...or something...
