Saturday, February 07, 2015

And That's Why Pinterest is Like Crack: A Valentine's Day Post (aka: All I Ever Want to do is Everything)

At least, I assume Pinterest is like just like crack.  I've never actually tried crack, but I know it's addicting.  And therefore, it's practically the exact same thing as Pinterest.

One of my bigger problems in life is that I want to do everything all at the same time. Son in the ER with a raging staph infection? Great time to teach myself to crochet!

There is almost nothing that I'm not at least a little interested in except maybe tennis and golf.

aleph bet bingo
Sorry for the rotten quality - forgot to check my settings after the camera got back from the shop!
So that's why when I got the email from my toddlers class that they would be handing out Valentines, my first instinct was to hand make them and do a photo shoot, dress her in red either holding a giant heart or tossing heart shaped something or anothers into the air.

Oh it was beautiful in my mind!!!

But then I remembered that my boy has to bathe in bleach three times a week and wash with antimicrobial two times a week and my husband is sick and my step daughter is trying to move out and blah blah blah blah blah...

And even though I could probably redo the Elmo costume to be a GREAT valentine costume, I just decided to just do this:

And of course, I made these for the teachers.  Because...I never know when to stop:

(Here's where you can get the printable.  I just layered with vellum and card stock.)

I even let the kid help make her own Valentines!  

Ok, I let her help on the envelopes, and the insides of the cards.  But still, that's not bad for a recovering perfectionist with a hell-bent-on-destruction toddler "helping":

washi tape valentines

Valentine cards using washi tape

valentine envelopes with washi

Heart washi handmade by toddler

I STILL want to do almost every single project I've ever seen on Pinterest.

I'd look for a support group...but I still want to learn how to crochet a hat first.

(Mom, Dad, and anyone else who has never's my Pinterest right here!  Apologies for being an enabler.)

Toddler assisted valentines


  1. So true! Pinterest makes you want to do stuff you never knew you wanted to do! I can blink and 3 hours have passed. Your valentines are super cute!
