Friday, February 06, 2015

Tweets I Could'a Twitted

I LOVE Twitter!  I've met such funny and interesting people there.  But I have trouble finding time for it.

And even though I have a semi-decent handful of followers...I don't think anybody but my friend Ernesto reads my tweets anyway.

So I thought I would just save myself some time and hassle and put a couple tweets right here.

Also, my camera is in the shop.  None of these pictures are mine.  They all came from Upsplash.  I don't have to give them credit, apparently.  I could just slap them up and pretend all this gorgeousness was mine.  But why would I?

The Tweets:

That time I griped out my toddler for being mean to her imaginary playmate #MeanMomOfTheYearAwardGoesToMe


"Well, cats can't talk.  That might be one reason he's not answering you." #ThingsMomsOfToddlersSay

cat talks to toddlers

Not a half bad Tweet, right? Click here to Tweet!


I'd love to write one of those organization blogs - great excuse for so many office supplies!  But I just found a pair of clean socks in my toothpaste drawer.  #IMightNotBeQualified

pretty office supplies

Me, "Trying to bake with a 2 year old is like trying to...(shakes head, at a loss for words)"
17 year old, "Trying to do anything else with a two year old?" 


"Don't wipe your apricot on the window!" #ThingsMomsOfToddlersSay


You know your husband shops for an army when it's your child's turn to bring an UNOPENED snack for the entire class and you don't even have to go to the grocery store.  #StopByAnyTime #We'llFeedYou

cherries, really pretty ones

"If you don't stop throwing bags of sugar on the floor, it's going to make bugs come!" #ThingsMomsOfToddlersSay

Here's one last picture, just because it's pretty, and just 'cause I can:

carnival ferries wheel


  1. Great post! I always see these trending hashtags, and by the time I come up with something clever, someone has beat me to it.

  2. Cute stuff! I need to remember to tweet silly stuff and have more fun with twitter.

  3. Twitter has always been my favorite social channel, I think it's why I took to hosting Twitter Parties/Tweet Chats like a duck to water, so to tweet! LOL

    Tracy @ Ascending Butterfly

  4. What a fun post - I can relate to some of your tweets though. Cathy

  5. Great Post. My tweets are boring, maybe I should be a little more creative :)

  6. I agree with the 17 year old. ;)

  7. Thank you everyone!!!!
