Friday, July 31, 2015

Why this isn't a post about Tres Leches cake

I was going to post a tres leches cake recipe today, mostly for my friend Beth.

It's strange really but the care and feeding of a blog post seems to be taking longer than writing it these days.

True story.

Since I don't really have time for the care and feeding of a recipe post, I'm waiting for next week. Sorry Beth.

On the other hand, it's been years. A week one way or the other won't make any difference, really.

In the mean time, though it's a little hard to read in this picture, I did notice "resorts" have been redefined to include something that looks suspiciously like a neighborhood subdivision with a faded sign:

Which should be absolutely NO surprise to anyone, since "luxury" was redefined to include trailer homes years ago.

I have two pieces up on TODAY Show Parenting:

Hair Headaches


A Label by Any Other Name

If it happens that you head over to read, take a little click on the "vote up" button for me if you don't hate it! Because. I mean, why not?!?!?

And of course I have Letting My Children Explore Their Own Paths up on Mom Babble. So...a ton going on for me writing-wise and more than I can gracefully handle. I'm definitely too far over my head to add a recipe into the mix (so to speak).

Instead how about a couple pictures my big girl took of my little girl when we went to visit her at "tamp" (camp)?

Isn't it SO pretty at camp?!?

Doesn't my big girl take beautiful pictures?!?

I'm in love with all of it - my little girl, my big girl, my big girl's photos, "tamp"...

So that's it from here: the burglars have missed their chance at invading our home, since we've already returned from camp, I'm too overwhelmed to post a recipe but promise it will be coming soon, and I found a silly sign. Finally.  Happy weekend all!


  1. Wahey! A super result all round I say. That Big Gal of yours is rocking her camera isn't she??? Well done on all your writing inspire and yet shame me :-D. That's talent...

  2. Shame you?!?!?!? ARIZAPHALE! You SEW stuff! You make whole sets!!!!! I'm just spreading my drivel a little farther than usual. :-)
