But then suddenly last night I saw this sign:

And I thought,
"They've redefined luxury to mean a dilapidated motel in a questionable part of town? How 1984 of them!"I had to go read Wikipedia and of course it turned out I was mixing up doublespeak and newspeak.
And THEN I saw this sign in the bathroom of the Shakespeare Pub:

And I thought,
"I NEVER hold down flashers in public restrooms! I'm obviously not doing my part to keep the bars, clubs, and music venues of Houston safe from perverts!"
Also this week I found out that royalty resides in trailer parks:

I thought kings' dwellings would be more ornate. But then I remembered that luxury had been redefined.
My mom and 10 year old cousin and I went on a geocaching expedition that included walking through here:

But another window was replaced by this sign:

And so now we know why so many signs are written in the imperative.
And then last but not least, I saw this book:

And so what can I really have to say about my week except that the silly, ridiculous and even absurd is alive and well.
Thanks to everyone for the condolences and I hope everyone's having a good weekend.
LOL! I love your sense of humor! And I'm glad you do not have a "scratch and sniff" blog when it comes to most of those photos. ;-)
Thanks Pam! Yeah a scratch and sniff blog would probably cut the number of people willing to visit my blog considerably!
ROFL! Thank goodness this isn't a scratch and sniff blog! The imagination works well enough as it is!
Better title: Dirty Jokes! that toilet is disgusting!
Marlene - Yeah, probably best it's not! :-)
Nicki - Maybe I shouldn't have gone quite so realistic on the toilet picture. Doesn't Coffeeshop blog or Pioneer woman or someone have like a mildew softening action or something? :-) :-) :-) And that was the WOMEN'S room for crying out loud!
The toilet sign made me laugh :) Great signs!
Yuk! Pretty gross! But also . . . pretty funny! I read recently that there are rooms at Versailles impregnated with the smell of urine. Towards the end of the reign of Louis XVI, Versailles went into neglect and apparently people would relief themselves in secluded corners and hallways . . . I would have never thought to put Versailles and urine in the same sentence before . . .
Where were you to see all this weird stuff?
We geocache too!
LOL - love love love your signs blog posts!!
Thanks Amanda!
Well there we go Maria! You see?!?!?!?! I KNEW Houston had a lot going for it & here it is right up with Versailles in the urine department!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mark - I got all the pictures this week from inside Houston city limits. Except for the book, which I saw on the internet & just couldn't pass up.
On geocaching - I love it but we rarely have time except during the heat of the summer. I wish we had found one for my little cousin, because I'm not sure I convinced him that traipsing around in the 99 degree weather and hot sun was an activity worth repeating.
Thanks Reds!
Wow! Thanks for the chuckles today! And like the others, I am really glad you do not have a scratch and sniff blog. :)
I love this post. I love how you "see" things.
I really have to start carrying my camera around with me.
LMAO. You crack me up.
Good thing we carry our camera's with us everywhere, or we would never have got the photo's we needed from the rest room, lol
Thanks Margaret & Kerry!
And Tracy - Of course! We DO need cameras everywhere! How else could I have two whole categories on restrooms?!?!
i dont touch ANYTHING in a public restroom that i cant kick with my feet... not gonna happen.
Geocaching rocks.....I have found about 40 in my lifetime. So much better for children than video games.
Luxury redefined is just indicative of the the word smithing and spin doctoring that is rampant in our world these days. My agency puts out an annual report that trumpets what a great job we are doing, yet those that have worked here long enough know we aren't doing a third of what we used to do 10 years ago. Redefined indeed......:(
Slyde - Probably a good idea. Then again, a friend of mine told me about her friend licking the floor behind the toilet at one of my very favorite scummy bars, and he lived to tell the tale.
Oh! Bruce- I guess you visited while I was looking up the bathroom floor licking!!!!! I think Geocaching is way, way better than video games! On your work...I dunno. Maybe they couldn't bring themselves to tell everyone they stink. :-( :-( :-(
Luxury Redefined indeed. I am stealing that little phrase and wworking it into my lexicon.
Oh Cid I imagine that the opportunities to use it would abound during life at seat!
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