Happy Wordless Wednesday everyone! Seeing as how I never post any more except for Wordless Wednesday, I figured I better put some words on here.
Here's my kid, just doing the usual.

And here she is again, happy with her first ever Jamberries.

What I really need for her though is some kind of special laundry detergent that focuses on removing chocolate, so I don't have to pre-treat every last one of her outfits.
I admit it.
I need that special type of detergent for my clothes too.
We're still plodding along toward moving. It's getting emptier around here. We have one room all the way "done"! Now, if we could just get the other four bedrooms and the rest of the house looking like this, we'd be all set.

That's about all the news from here. Looking for more Wordless Wednesday?