It's fixed now though so here are some pictures of the little nocturnal one:

We're trying to get her to do that sleeping thing during the night time, so we don't accidentally turn into vampires. I think that's what happens when you have to turn nocturnal against your will.

I have this book called "What to Expect the First Year" that's supposed to be helping us get her to sleep and do other fine baby stuff, but I think it should be renamed, "806 Pages Worth of Ways You're Doin' Your Baby Wrong" or maybe "806 Ways You Might Accidentally Kill Your Baby".

Or maybe they should name it something simpler like, "Everything You Did With Your First Two Babies Was Wrong."

Baby says she's going to be just fine DESPITE what the baby book says though. Because...BABY POWER!

(*Sorry about the pictures. Something has changed on my blog & I don't have any more time to figure out why it's suddenly lopping off the sides of all the horizontal pictures)