The reason I didn't have internet last week was because we were in Israel. Israel actually DOES have internet. I just didn't have any internet, personally.
I totally overwhelmed myself with the number of pictures I took so I'm starting with our arrival and the first half of our first day.
In Israel, even the airport is pretty:

A random burnt up bus. I don't know why.

The Western Wall:

The-Guy took these two, me and a running little girl:

The Western Wall from above:

AND from below! We took a tour in tunnels underneath. If you ever get to go to Jerusalem the underground tour is GREAT!
Up in the left hand corner the papers in the little square inset thing are people's prayers. That's my sweet pea holding up the camera. Of course!

The kids in the tunnel. They're still all happy with each other, because they haven't had to sleep together in a hotel room for a week yet:

Here's the part that the tour guide says is the very closest you can get to the holiest place on earth. She said that the women there aren't really supposed to be praying when there's a tour but that in Israel you can't tell people what to do.
The woman in the ponytail looks all pious, but notice the camera. She's actually on the tour with us:

More to come when I get my act together!