Unfortunately for the two people left reading that come here for the silly signs, it turns out that most of my pictures are yet again of that kid that kept us awake so many nights:
I did see a truck like this out on the road the other day, and I wondered "How do you really know if your trash is good enough for them to take? Does the trash have a grade point average?
The problem was that I didn't manage to have my camera. Just the baby and her 20 pounds of stuff. Which means that her stuff outweighs her by about a pound and a half (and that I borrowed the trash truck picture from
their website).
So it's back to the baby. She now responds to the words, "bye bye, no-no, hi, bottle, and her name", around as many words as the cat knows. It's probably also a toss up as to who is more obedient.
But of course she has her own ways of communicating:
She loves any food we've ever given her. And flowers:

So that's about it for now. Hope everyone has a good President's Day!