I was partially right when I said on my last post that next up would be a Passover and/or Pesach scrapbooking kit. Ok, never mind. I wasn't even partially right. The next thing I made was actually an activity pack for Yom Ha'Atzmaut which is available by clicking this preview:
I had to make the Yom Ha'Atzmaut pack first before the Passover and/or Pesach kit because obviously Yom Ha'Atzmaut is still timely (up until tomorrow) and Passover is already old news.
However, if you are like me and still don't have your Passover and / or Pesach pictures scrapped two weeks after the holiday has ended, maybe you will be interested in this kit which I finally got finished up today:
Hello Blogsilvania! Apparently I am back with another post because...why not?
In what would have been a fit of recklessness earlier in the pandemic, we went to Big Bend (both the National Park and the Texas State Park) last month:
A good time was had by all!
Except that kid in the pictures up there. She cried during any and all time hiking.
Point being, I had to make a Big Bend scrapbooking kit to go with our photos and once I was doing that it just naturally turned into a Big Bend, Rodeo, Western, Texas type kit.Download it here or by pressing the preview:
Hello and welcome to Do Try This at Home!
If you came here looking for teacher resources or digital scrapbooking supplies, please visit my TPT store here.
If you are looking for reprints try here.
If you are looking for the Bayou Brew on 90.1 KPFT Houston, look on Facebook here.
If you came for the beer bottle cap table it's right here.
If you're just here to browse and don't care about any of that stuff, here's a blurry picture of my late cat playing the guitar. Yes, he played with his teeth just like Jimmy Hendrix.
The Do Try This at Home corner of the internet has been through many iterations since its debut in 2006 but as many different directions as I've taken it, people have stuck around clicking and reading.
For some reason.
I don't know why.
It's definitely not for the silly signs anymore. Although for old time's sake, here's a silly sign:
That dumpster door is NEVER shut!
These days I am less inclined to post about silly signs and more likely to post about scrapbooking stuff or teaching supplies or whatever.
In any case when Thani from Pixel Scrapper asked if I'd be interested in partnering, I figured why not? Why gain focus NOW of all times?!?
JUST KIDDING! But not really. Because if you've been reading this blog for the past FIFTEEN YEARS you know that I have maintained a degree of professionalism that...oh no wait. That must have been someone else's blog.
So now that we've established that this blog is neither professional NOR focused, we can get back to Thani from Pixel Scrapper.
When he asked me about partnering with Pixel Scrapper, I made up an acceptance speech in my head and then walked on stage and...no that's not right either. What I actually thought was, "I post about Pixel Scrapper all the time! Why would this be any different?!?!" And then I went on to think up all the reasons I love Pixel Scrapper, which are numerous:
First off, without even paying a cent, just from having an account, you can get five free digital downloads a day. And Pixel Scrapper has really generous commercial use terms.
See the little doodle border on this worksheet I made for Passover? It came from Pixel Scrapper:
And then today when I needed to make a thank you card, Pixel Scrapper is where I went for graphics.
Hello Blogsilvania!
We had horribleness here in Houston, otherwise known as no electricity or water for three days in freezing cold temperatures - in the teens even.
We bundled up good though and enjoyed it as best we could while trying to survive in below freezing temperatures without running water.
Hello all three people who actually check this blog!
I know you're out there so I might as well update.
Here's a picture of me in the KPFT 90.1 Houston studio with Bernie, because apparently I STILL am not tired of the Bernie memes:
Here's a new digital scrapbooking kit for the new year - 2021!
The free download has expired but you can purchase it here.
See the other Pixelscrapper contributions to the February 2021 blog train here!
Also here is a photo of us dancing on New Years Eve during our party over Zoom because I know you came here to see that too: