Look: Going to the mall in the holiday traffic is so bad that people were changing their minds. Here they are exiting on the entrance ramp:

Is this car missing a passenger?

It's like they're walking barometers - Woah! Life's a bit too intense right now! I better keep everyone home by catching some childhood ailment or pestilence!
This time it happened to be walking pneumonia instead of lice.
This is what I love about my sweet pea - she laughs with me about the fact that I get mad at her for having walking pneumonia.
And this is my advice to all you people who have kids too young to drive: run out an and get a stepdaughter this very instant! Seriously, older gal was not only willing to bring my pneumonia-ridden sweet pea to the doctor while I was at work, but she was HAPPY to do it!
So how did I end up mad at the gal for being sick? Like this: teenager wakes up unable to breath. Stays up all night watching a movie on her ipod. Then says, "I don't think I can go to school!"
"WHAT!?!?! You stayed up all night watching movies?!?!?! You are going to school let me tell you!!!" Luckily The-Guy-Who-Knows-A-Song-About-A-Chicken had mercy on her poor little pneumonia-ridden-soul and encouraged me to leave her home with older gal. We found out about the pneumonia the next day.
In my defense, although she was sick enough to stay up all night, she was NOT sick enough to ask me for medicine. I guess I'm just THAT unpleasant when I get woken up in the night.
Happy last night of Chanukah everyone and *H*A*P*P*Y* *B*I*R*T*H*D*A*Y* to my boy! I promise to have you a birthday party one of these...months. And to buy you a lunch kit. And to buy you a slice of pizza on Thursday. And whatever all else I've promised you during year 11!
Sadly, I think I yelled at Debra when, at about 15, she got pneumonia. Thought she wasn't sick. Went to work and she had to go to the doctor, after making her own appt., in a taxi. How is that? But, she did not have lice at the same time. That would have been just a little over the top. I might have locked her out. Boy, did I feel guilty when she turned out to have pneumonia.
nothing beats my story: Jake hurt his wrist one night and I told him I didn't feel like sitting in an emergency room all night, so I put some ice on it, gave him some tylenol and went to bed. Next morning, his arm was so swollen it was scary. Finally got into an orthopedist who said a few more hours and he might have had nerve damage from the swelling. Totally broken! I think all of us parents have a guilt story or two! on another note, next year you shop early throughout the year and/or online, I haven't been out in those holiday crowds in YEARS!
What kind of blessings does a cat give/seek?
Mimsy - Oh Cassie didn't have lice THIS time! It just always seems to be one illness or another just when things are at their crazyest. That's actually REALLY imprssive about the taxi! I can't imagine my gal taking a taxi by herself anywhere, much less to the doctor's office.
Beth - yeah I remember that one. One time I griped my boy out because he was complaining about the temperature of the neighborhood pool. I was like, "This is the temperature the pool is - what am I supposed to do about it?!?!" Turned out he had a fever.
SJ - Furry ones?
My mum didn't believe my sister when she appendicitis! Turned out it had a stone in it and was ruptured and the only thing that was stopping the bloood poisoning from spreading was the stone and she ended up in hospital for two weeks!!! So there you go. Hope you feel better. Oh and I ban movie watching devices from the bedroom :-). She had a TV in her bedroom at her dad's until he discovered she was sitting up all night wacthing it. Next time she went it was at the 'repair shop'.:-D
Hope you had a Happy Hannukah and that all family are well and well birthdayed before too long!
Sugar looks good in his yarmulke, but I don't think he is a particularly OBSERVANT Jewish Cat. Maybe he should not be the one you rely on for blessings. Cats are too self-reliant to be interested in all that faith stuff.
And walking pneumonia...ugh.
Oh, gosh...I don't think you're one bit neglectful! I've done far worse! Thankfully kids are resilient! Hope she is better soon!
After seeing your pic, I wonder if Lily was trying to give a blessing last night when she ventured so close to that candle....
You know I was worried about catching walking pneumonia not that long ago and I still am a tad concerned but I don;t feel that bad so I'm guessing it's nothing.
Happy belated Hanukkah!!!
Once my mom was mad at me for having kidney stones.
I didn't know cats could be Jewish.....
Yikes Arizaphale! That sounds scary! Yeah, I need to get those electronics out of there. The sad thing is, I never would have agreed to a TV in her room. But it's so indidious these days. It's like, surely she should be able to listen to her MUSIC for cryin' out loud...
Christine - You're probably right, evil beast that he is. :-0
Thank Janet! :-) And that was probably it. Lily was just saying a blessing over those candles. Cats are so misunderstood. :-)
Ricardo - My gal keeps telling me I have it. But I tell her that even if I did have it at some point, it's only a cough by now. Hope you're feeling better soon too!
Alf - I'd be mad too. KIDDING!!!!!!!
Bruce - Well, it's sort of hard for them, because the evil part is such a large part of the personality.
Happy Holidays to you and yours Jill! Hope everyone is better real soon.
Thanks Maureen! I think my gal will mysteriously feel much better once she's done with her last final exam this morning! :-)
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