After all, we have not just strip shops, but entire PLAZAS devoted to what is commonly known as sleaze:
New York got one, of course. San Francisco got one too. That seems reasonable. But Atlanta and not Houston? I imagine that Houstonians are outraged!
Houston is no longer the home to this guy. I don't know if anyone remembers him from a previous post, but he's dead:

"What happened to the tattooed fish?" The-Guy asked the hostess. She pointed up at the ceiling, indicating fishy heaven, and explained his demise.
Apparently a known suspect (and restaurant employee) had accidentally committed mass fish murder by returning the inhabitants directly back into their freshly cleaned tank.
The tattooed fish was the brainstorm of a "crazy cook", who according to the hostess, had whipped him out of the tank and into the kitchen, tattooed him with cooking utensils, and returned him to the tank.
Who even knows how the fish survived in the kitchen? And what about the plastic wrap that covers fresh tattoos? Had the fish been afforded that luxury?
Unfortunately the hostess's English was such that we were left to our own interpretations to a certain extent. And even more unfortunately, the "crazy cook" moved on years ago so that tattooing one of the replacement fish seems unlikely.
That's the news from the greater Houston area, home to one less tattooed fish and not one stinking Oracle billboard. At least we still have The Colorado and of course the oldest and largest Art Car Parade. And the cockroaches. And the occasional hurricane. We've got a lot going for us.
The Colorado
Are you serious the cook tattooed the fish.
LOL Ok its not funny hahaha
OK you may have a sleaze plaza but y'all named it after another state. I think that's bad billboard karma.
Does he also do lip piercing? I think that would go over really well at Red Lobster.
Packing my bags - I am moving to Houston!
Heh! Loved the fish. And your writing style. Fun read. Glad I found you!
ROTFLMBO. Great post. Poor fishie.
Tracy - Didn't he do a nice job? :-)
SJ - That must be it. Drat!
Christine - Good idea!
Kerry - Oh good!!!!! :-)
Thanks Heidi and Empty Envelope!
I had never heard of this whole Wilkins / Phillips fiasco until I read this. Quite funny. And we don't have sleaze shops here in Phoenix. They have gone upscale and are called 'Adult Boutiques', where consenting adults can go and shop for adult toys. All the porno and sleaze in this town is downloaded off the internet.
Bruce - See?!?!?! We should have merited a billboard. 'Cause Houston doesn't have to resort to the internet - we grow our own. I'm glad I was able to spread the word about the fiasco, at any rate. :-)
There were several of those Oracle billboards up in NYC. I mean I understand the woman was scorned but she really came off looking bad in this. How much money did this woman waste? She could have done a blog like you and I for free :-)
Ricardo - Can you imagine how angry she must have been to waste that much money?!?!!?!?!?
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