I bet you're as surprised as I am to find out that whiskey could do that to a body! I, for one, thought alcohol was supposed to CURE a cold. But my friend Beth said it was the cause. Oh well, I'm sure I had it coming, hanging out in preschool such as I do.
I think Ikea might be confused. Or I can't count:

Younger Gal has taken to bursting out with, "YES!!!! I have power prayer today!" I'd feel all warm and fuzzy inside and stuff, except that even the first time I heard her, I immediately realized that "power" must be code for "abbreviated", thus the excitement.
These statue of liberties dance by the side of the road all the time. Normally when I see people working these kinds of jobs I feel all, "There but for the grace of God go I."
What else? Sometimes I think teaching in elementary or middle school might offer more protection from the constant dispersion of bodily fluids that is a preschool classroom. This is fairly typical lunchroom fare at my school:
Me (to another teacher whose son is in my class) - "Well I didn't get to see what was inside the toilet because he flushed it too quickly. But the parts that were floating around on top..."
Her - "Yeah it was like that at home too..."
Me - "And The-Guy deserves an award because yesterday I came home describing your son's poop to him in detail."
Another teacher passing by - "Did you talk about it during dinner?"
Me - "No, not during dinner. It was after dinner. But, you notice, it isn't interrupting our lunch right now."
It seems middle school has its own issues, but they say a change is as good as a break:

Detention slip pic
He should have come up with the 'said the actress to the bishop' line which my father favours........anything that old fashioned surely would not have got him a detention? Power prayer ey? That's what my Care group do all the time! "Dear God, thank you that we got to school safely; please let us have an awesome day AMEN*slam*.......(that was the classroom door).
Note: Avoid lunch with preschool teachers.
I see that you believe god's grace saved you from becoming a statue of liberty. If that happened to me I would be a believer too!
Arizaphale - I never heard that one! It does seem less likely to cause detention. The prayer - well that's nice and short! My gal is supposed to be praying for 45 minutes every morning, so even power prayer is probably kind of long.
SJ - Yeah, that probably is a pretty good rule of thumb. Although what I really miss is my old coworker talking about yeast infections during lunch. That was one of the first things I complained about when she resigned - "But whose going to talk about yeast infections during lunch?!?!?!" It's a little known benefit of teaching - a stronger stomach.
Well, I went around my office yesterday talking about my son's swollen testicle - so I guess it's not much safer anywhere else if you work with a mom at all.
I had to read the detention slip several times before I got it. Too Funny.....that should be framed, stored away and presented to the child on his wedding day.
Kristine - Oh! So it's working with moms that does it! Although that doesn't really give my coworker an excuse for the yeast infection conversations...
Bruce - Yeah, and his bride will be going, "Wait, you're THAT kid?!?!?!" :-)
What, exactly, are the Statues of Liberty selling/protesting? Dare I ask?
Ya know, I spend most of my days in Middle School but got to aide at Preschool today (and home is often a bit like preschool). I think you're on the right side of the fence, regardless of the germs! I'm not convinced older kids have less germs, they just spread them more subtly.
A Free Man - They want to do our taxes. It's actually sort of tempting, isn't it?
Eric - I don't know. I have a middle schooler at home and I'm pretty sure he spends way less time with various fingers inserted into his mouth and nose, removing them only to spread whatever germs he finds there over the various surfaces of the classroom. At least God I hope so...
Yeah, so you're probably right on the subtlety of spreading them, but probably less of the germs make it onto the teachers hands. But thanks for the vote confidence!
thank you that we got to school safely; please let us have an awesome day
work at home in india
lol As a mom of a high schooler, I can relate to these things. Except for the statue of liberty. That's a new one.
Janet - I guess next time you're in Houston you'll have to visit one! :-)
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