For a Jewish wedding you're supposed to have a ketubah, or a wedding contract. It reads sort of similar to wedding vows, with promises to cherish and honor and all that stuff.
At least, our ketubah says we're going to cherish and honor. And then you sign it during the wedding and the rabbi signs it and two witnesses sign it and THEN you get to cherish and honor and stuff.
My friend said that when she got married, the temple gave them their ketubah. But apparently the honky-tonk bar and grill where we got married does not provide a ketubah, so we had to buy our own. And since we were buying our own, we figured we'd buy this one, because it was pretty:

Our wedding was very funny (apparently):

And it was very serious (apparently):

And it was fun (apparently):

And the ceiling was interesting (apparently):

I say apparently. All I really remember was being happy. Because even though I always said I would never, ever, ever get married again, that was only because I didn't know there was The-Guy-That-Knows-A-Song-About-A-Chicken. And we belong together. With a bunch of beer advertisements.

Thanks again for the photos,
Jeff! I loves them!
apparently it was fun!! Looks like it was a great time, and very cool wedding.
Apparently it was a great day of apparent fun.
You look happy and apparently everyone had a good time!! Congrats!
Thanks Mz-Cellaneous!
SJ - Yeah, apparently!
Thanks Sharla!
Best post evah! :-D
Thanks Arizaphale!
Your wedding photo's are beautiful.
Looks like my kind of wedding :)
i had no idea you got married in a bar.. that so cool!
p.s. you made a beautiful bride :)
Fantastic photos! It sure looks like you had a great time!
Having a Jewish wedding in a Texas Honky-Tonk might show a bit of Hutspah.....but we sort of did you one better.
Drove to Vegas in the middle of the night in an exotic sports car and on 2 hours sleep got married at the Excalibur Casino (the one that looks like a castle) dressed as a Sir Lancealot and Maid Marion.
Hey, we even got a free bottle of champagen, a wedding video AND the marriage contract. .... all for less than $500. Beat that!
(but that said, looks like you had a kick ass wedding)
Thanks Tracy!
Slyde - Yes, it's sort of a long story, but we felt a traditional wedding in bar would...ummmm...well...I can't remember exactly why we decided it would work perfectly. I think The-Guy felt that it would be good if the guests had the option of playing pool. But it turned out that the tacos were actually served on top of the pool tables. Luckily there was also shuffleboard.
Thanks Marlene!!!! It was a great time (I've been told! :-) )
Bruce - Yes, well...I was all for going the eloping route, but, y'know, my aunt would have been angry at me if we opposed to getting married in a bar, which totally didn't upset anyone (or anyone that told me about it at any rate).
What a great celebration!! I wish I was invited!
That is what a wedding should be. Congratulations!
Thanks Kerry! I wish I was invited too! I think that's better than being the hostess...
Just kidding! But not kidding at all on the thank you! :-)
Awww, what a sweet post. You've got the real deal, Jill! :)
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