It's true. One of the lesser publicized results of that Yemen bomb thing has been to grant teachers less access to the bathroom. I won't go into details (because far be it from me to compromise security in any way) but doesn't it just illustrate how totally unpredictable this world can be? At least, I imagine the bomb's main intention was not to restrict bathroom access for teachers.
This week I sent out a kajillion and seven bar mitzvah invitations with the wrong time on them. If you got one, services are at 7:00 and not at 8:00. If you didn't get one, just thank your lucky stars I don't have your address.
On to Halloween...
My Boy wanted to be a trash can, but The-Guy-Who-Knows-A-Song-About-A-Chicken talked him out of it. They made a pretty good outhouse costume before My Boy lost interest. Then he wanted to be Facebook, but we ran out of time. After all that, he ended up as Scooby:

My Sweet Pea and her friends made all their own costumes from actual fabric and beads and stuff! They went this incredibly PC route:

Younger Gal said it's okay, since she's part Native American. Older Gal told us that this is called, "Hipster Racism." That totally took me by surprise, because I didn't think that 15 year olds qualified for "hipster" status. I guess she's just mature for her age.
My friend and her son done good too, don't you think? It was even more realistic in person (if you can call a zombie realistic):
Sorry about the bathroom breaks. As a nurse, I prize those pretty highly! O love Halloween and seeing kids dressed up :)
I'm behind on the news - so I'll have to retrace the Yemen bomb and bathroom breaks matter. I would not do well without bathroom breaks. The kids' costumes were very good. I love your caveat for not sending some people invites - gave me a chuckle.
Not up to your politics, but less bathroom breaks doesn't sound like a good thing.
Hubby love Scooby Doo, cute costume. Humm Hipster Racism, thats a new one to me.
Love the zombie cusome, but then again we love our zombies in this family.My daughter went out as a zombie nurse from Silent Hill
Beth - I know! That's why sometimes secretarial work and waitressing still look so appealing - unlimited bathroom access!
Nicki - I'm not sure there's a direct path. In fact, I'm not 100% certain it even has to do with the Yemen thing. I just know, security went up, bathroom access went down. And yes, I'm so happy to be able to laugh now about the time mix up. I was NOT able to laugh about it on Wednesday morning when I found out I tell 'ya! Although I was laughing pretty hard by afternoon. :-) A coworker was all, "Why are you laughing?!?!?" and I said something along the lines of, "Because I already cried all I could!"
Tracy - Yeah, you guys had some really good costumes!!!
Now that's a zombie I can fight off!
Thanks for sharing your story about your grandpa and your rocks, how sweet.
Can't relate to bathroom breaks...since I'm part camel and can store pee for a whole day before I finally have to go...ha ha ha.
Love the costumes! Wish I was a kid again. (sigh)
Damn those Yemens/Yemenites/Yemonians - because of them I have to use the children's bathroom or risk a potentially awkward classroom situation. LOVE the "hipsters", but do think they are too young to qualify as such.
SJ - Yeah, and you'll have to if you don't show us all the picture of that child care center! Time for a My Travels, Travails, and Thoughts revival!!! I have facebook now. But I'm just not very facebooky!!!!!!
Tracy - You're welcome! You're husband just reminded me of it. The kids must love him!
Marlene - Wait...I thought you WERE a kid! :-)
Julie - I don't know how many more times I'm going to have to lock myself out before I remember...but I hope it's not more than one or two!
No, I really don't get how Yemeni bombs stopped you going to the loo. I am obviously not deductive enough.
Scooby Doo is pretty cute but I really would have liked to see the outhouse costume! And bad luck on the invite faux pas. Might halve your catering costs?
im totally not getting you on the Yemen connection. maybe i missed something..
but damn, those costumes are awesome! 10 pts extra for that killer zombie one!
Arizaphale - Yeah, I messed up on the invitation thing, but I don't think it will have too much effect on the catering, unfortunately. It's a three day deal too, so I guess I should start thinking up food and stuff. I liked the outhouse costume a lot. I'm not sure why he abandoned it.
Slyde - I know! It doesn't make sense, does it?!?!? And yet there it is. Yemen bombs mean no more bathroom for teachers. Crazy world.
I didn't know that. That seems pretty harsh! I hope that works out..
The Scooby outfit is so cute!
How does one go as Facebook?
Thanks Olivia!
AFM - We were thinking he'd use a cardboard box & cut out a small rectangle for his face to be his profile picture, then paint or color the rest. Unfortunately, we ran out of time. Maybe next year!
Well I'm baffled over the no bathroom thing and how it relates to that terrible bomb scare. Hoping you don't have to pee in jars or anything.
Looks like the family had a nice Halloween.
wow, I am so far behind on your posts! just caught up tonight, all the way down to this one where you featured my lovely zombie human art work! thanks for the kudos everyone, it took a lot of time to make him a realistic looking zombie!
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