We've had about all the shin digs a body can stand in the past couple few months. Thanks to everyone for my boy's bar mitzvah! Thanks to people who don't like to speak in front of crowds but who still read stuff, especially if they read it in a language they didn't know.

Thanks to my cousin for calling me before the break of dawn to make sure the music was perfect!

Thanks to Older Gal for pitching in whenever and however she could. Thanks to people who drove and flew incredible distances to be here, and to people who came even though they just got out of the hospital (and thanks for these party pictures too Debbie)!

Thanks to my sister-in-law who took sole care of my baby nephew and withstood computer problems and other storm and strife just so my brother and older nephews could come. Thanks to my other cousin for holding up the Torah even though I forgot he just had back surgery.

Thanks to people who came short distances, but had to fight galleria traffic to get to the party location or drive in the dark on Friday night. Thanks to my coteacher for not complaining even though I had to use each and every classroom break to make phone calls. Thanks to all my coworkers. Even though I just invited people I work with directly, I truly wish it could have been all the teachers.

Thanks to my Sweet Pea for trailblazing and for helping her brother out all she could. And thanks to my other cousin for reassuring me that it's perfectly normal to discover people I should have invited every time I turn around.

Thanks to my cousins and relatives and friends who wished they could be there but couldn't. Thanks to friends who did stuff to help, and friends who offered to help.

Thanks to Mom and Dad who always do everything they can to make everything better and thanks to my brother for coming to Houston (premier vacation spot that it is) twice in six months.

Thanks to all my boy's teachers and the rabbi and the cantor and the gabbai and everyone at the synagogue. And thanks to The-Guy for being my strength when I didn't have any. Thanks of course to anyone who read this far and everyone for everything, especially in this crazy holiday filled month.

More pictures to come!
*Phew* Betcha you're glad it's over! But reading this post gave me the warm fuzzies since it sounds like your clan came together to make it happen. Happy Birthday Boy!
Wow, that looks like quite a party! How proud you must be of your son :)
That's awesome! Happy birthday to your boy, and how great that you guys have so many family/friends to celebrate with you!
I will never really understand bar mitzvahs, but will also never stop being fascinated by them.
Cobgrats again! Time to really celebrate- no more bat/bar mitzvahs that you are responsible for planning! WOOT!
Curly Glamour Girlie - Like you wouldn't BELIEVE!!!! On both counts! And thanks for the birthday wishes!
Beth - So proud! And the party - on a Sunday afternoon no less! :-)
Thanks Janett! Yes, family and friends definitely came through!
Bruce - Three years I didn't have the faintest clue, but these days I could just about teach a class on them.
Cid - NO KIDDING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And thanks again! :-)
Congratulations on your son's bar mitzvah! Looks like everyone had a great time. And it's so wonderful to have family like you do to come together at such a special time in your son's life.
These major milestones require a lot of friends and family to feel complete. It looks like you had plenty of both. Congratulations to all of you!
we always enjoy your shin dugs! can't wait for the next ones!
Thank you Pam! Definitely well worth it!
Thank you Maria! Never would have made it without the friends and family, that's for sure. I would have perished from the phone calls alone!
Thanks Beth! I think we have enough paper plates leftover to dig shins from now until 2015!
Almost sounds like an Oscar award speech :) Looks like it was a huge success and all the planning and work was well worth it.
Nicki - Too bad - I should have put on my speech to my boy instead! :-) Actually, I hate awards shows with a passion so I don't even know an Oscar from a Tony from an Emmy from a...what else is there???? So I'll have to take your word for it!!!!!
Congratulations, and how wonderful it seems that all of you are so enjoying each other! Great set of photos to help you remember this wonderful event!
So glad that everything went so well.
Now your family knows how to have fun :)
Sounds like you have a great family and it looks like you had a great time!
Thanks Angela! I'm hoping my cousin got a picture of him all dressed up in synagogue with his prayer shawl and everything.
Thanks Tracy! Surprisingly enough, it was very fun - since I didn't pass out from exhaustion and stress before the party part!!!!!!
That's a lof of thank yous! Looks like a fun party!
Thanks Yolanda & Reds!!!!
What a fabulous party! Your kids are beautiful!
Thank you Janet!
Congratulations for the event and for surviving! It looks like the perfect "Twipply Skwood" event - intimate, meaningful and most of all FUN!!
Cool post. What a feat of organisation! I love the photos of Sweet Pea combing his hair....awwwwww
and that's a great last shot of you too. A momentous occasion well celebrated by the look of it!!
Thanks Fun Gal! I hope you're having a GREAT winter break!!!!!!
Thanks Arizaphale! Yeah, the hair combing was too good to pass up. :-)
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