But that's okay. Because apparently cameras are REALLY REALLY dangerous:

Here are a last few pictures before I go back to the land of point and shoot. These crawfish look just a tad formal to be serving up crap, don't they?

The Texas weather has been even more so. Apparently:

But you know what the really great thing is about borrowing weather from hell? Normally people are not allowed to roller blade on the golf course. But I went out rollerblading when it was a kajillion and a half degrees, and there was absolutely not one single golfing soul (saved OR condemned) to kick me off the golf course.
On the whole "hi ho and back to work we go" subject, I planted sunflowers with my class back in April or May. Here's what one of them looks like now:

So that's about it. Next week it's back to work. Happy weekend all!
YIPPEE! I get to leave the first comment - so, I guess I'm a comment virgin? Just wondering, is Dr. David Wolf paying you for the free advertising your post is providing?
See you on Thursday - I'll be the one that looks like they'd rather be anywhere but at school. Can you pick me out?!?!?
Let me see how big this sunflower is compared to my face... My eye!!! You should have warned me not to put the computer in my eye!
Julie - Why? Is Dr. David Wolf one of our parents or something? :-) I actually wondered for a passing moment if he'd mind, and then I was kind of hoping that with the free advertising aspect it would all come out in the wash. Yeah, the summer REALLY flew by, didn't it? Again.
BloggerFather - SOOOOOOO FUNNY!
Cajun Crap??? At first I thought it was a printer's error, but it's in the web address too. Unless it is a consistent printer's error! Is crap the Cajun word for crayfish? Have I been calling everything 'crayfish' for years???
I love me some Cajun Crap. That is the dish my cousins in Lafayette serve up. Its never the same thing, but always involves crawfish and Tony's.
I love me some Cajun Crap. That is the name of the dish my cousins in Lafayette serve up. Its never the same thing but it always contains crawfish and Tony Chachere's.
It may be warm, and really, I don't like being hot, but I really, really loathe being cold! Satan: You can't have your weather back just yet!
Cajun Crap? LOL! Sounds a little counterproductive to business...but who knows, eh?
Funny Arizaphale! But apparently it's real food! (see Ceol Mor's comment)
Cid - I had no idea! My grandmother always cooked with the Tony's. But she called it "Tony's Catchetory" or something like that. I wonder if Bernard remembers?
Yeah, I'm with you Maria! I'd much rather be too hot than too cold!
Marlene - Yeah, I dunno! They're definitely doing well enough to keep their crap...well crawfish in the tuxedos!
holy crap (CAJUN CRAP) thats a big flower.
we dont grow them that big up here...
Fun signs, sad flower!
Now I'm scared to death to take another picture.
Good luck with school starting!
LOL, I don't think I would be ordering anything from the Cajun Crap, lol.
As for your huge sunflower....my crows here would love it ;(
Hey maybe I should get them to migrate your way.
Slyde - I didn't know we did either!
Nicki - Yeah, but it's on my science center table now, so it has probably cheered up!
Thank you Lara! And be very, very careful about your eye!
Tracy - I'll be expecting your crows soon!
haha Love the signs! Hope your school year is off to a smooth start!
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