The project was called "dynamic duo" - every kid had a partner, like Batman & Robin or Beauty and the Beast. The pea's pair (we'll call her Leanne) was dressed as an angel.
I was more than a little hesitant about the Sweet Pea's costume choice. It wasn't so much that I thought she'd be smote or anything for wearing it (although you just never know). I was more concerned about her teachers and classmates suddenly realizing that maybe she isn't always as sweet as I make her out to be.
It turns out I didn't have to worry. No one was going to be fooled by a mere costume anyway.
Sweet Pea's teacher when he sees her in costume:
"Wow! You're really in your element here!"
At least he ended up asking her if she would be HIS partner, since it turns out his costume was none too sweet either.
And a conversation between the Pea and one of the boys:
Boy from her School - So who's your partner?
Evil Pea - Leanne. She's an angel.
Boy from School - Shouldn't you guys have swapped?
Same Boy - You know...so you could try playing out of character?
That's about the news from here - same ole' same ole'. We're mostly just trying to keep the level of resident evil at a bare minimum.
J wins the witty brother award. ;)She's a gorgeous little evil overlord though.
Oops! I just realized that WASN'T her brother! I'll have to change that so it reads right!!!!!
Good shot by her friend and fun banter between the kids.
cute :)
Too cute! Love the costume!
Cute costume, hope she had a good time.
Thanks Nicki, Joscelyne, Staci & Kim! I think she DID have a good time!
I think she looks like an angel:)
I love her hair. I never remember anyone in my high school having as beautiful hair as the girls now do.
Dangit! this post made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside and I'm too tough for that!
Every time I see a picture of your daughter, I think "wow she's beautiful"
Hahahah...much better than the Victorian costumes N3S's school made them dress up in!
Hahahah...much better than the Victorian costumes N3S's school made them dress up in!
Teachers start out with what seems like fun, harmless comments, and before you know it, they quit their jobs, leave their families and move in your our daughters the minute they hit 18!
Lovin' it! A girl after my own heart. You can buy all these things at the Royal Show every year here. I think the BA has the horns, the halo and a pair of flashing bunny ears. Whatever! It's all a bit of fun :-) As a teacher in my Christian school I once wore a flapper dress for Book Week. ('The Great Gatsby'? Heck I don't know...it was the only costume I had in my cupboard at short notice). The response from the rest of the staff was amazing. Apparently flappers may be of the devil. Or with the devil. Or at least dressed by the devil. Who knew? Not me that's for sure!! :-D
That boy has a good sense of humor... he's a keeper!
Definitely in her element. She's got the facial expression down 'pat'. :)
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