A girl can dream, right? (Contains affiliate links. See my disclaimer for more info.)

I also get opportunities emailed to me on a fairly regular basis asking me to promote this or that product. YES! Unbelievable but true!
I obviously usually turn most them down for one reason or another. I don't know the product, I don't care about the product. I'm not much of a shopper...whatever.
But when I got sent an email from Birthday Express asking me to post about photo plates, how could I help myself?
I haven't actually tried this product. And I'm not sure how I feel about eating off of my baby's FACE:
But I can say that they were so, so sooooooo easy to make. And fun. Obviously.
They're reasonably priced if you consider how much it costs to buy party plates at Target or the grocery store or Halmark (for cryin' out loud!). Plus when I visited Birthday Express, they even had a special 15% off offer going on too.
Yes, I realize there's something the matter with me. But at least I'M not selling the pizza! I just took a picture of it at the rodeo. And put it on a plate due to a demented sense of humor. Hopefully I don't get myself kicked out of the affiliate program for it.
And so now, if you haven't lost your appetite and you feel like eating off of a picture of your kid (or your dog or your cat or your most recent vacation spot), here's where to click for Birthday Express!
Interesting. I'm not sure about eating off someones face either, but it's kinda cool.
How stinking cute are these! I love the concept! Thanks for the heads up!!
Oh the thoughts running through my head for inappropriate plate designs...
My daughter used to make plates in Sunday school. I still have them all. This is great :)
Right Jeannie?!?!?!?
Thanks Mandee!
I knew I could count on you Cid!!!!!!!
Thanks Ali! I still have the ones my kids have made too!
I just saw these on someone else's blog, too! They're really cute. I *might* consider them for my daughter's birthday!
Andrea - I was thinking that I might try some for my daughter's birthday. We'll go to the Art Car Parade for her party, and I could have some printed not with her face on them, but with a picture of an art car! :-)
There was a crze for putting your kid's art work on china plates for a while here. My mum still has one in her china cabinet....but these are disposable? Weird.
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