We're okay in Houston. Neighbors are not as okay. | Do Try This at Home: We're okay in Houston. Neighbors are not as okay.

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

We're okay in Houston. Neighbors are not as okay.

Thank you to all who have asked about us. We are good here  - the bark was definitely worse than the bite in our neighborhood.

Two of our three routes to town are flooded, road closed.  I didn't check the final route, but my partner in crime managed to make it to work so I guess that way must be open.

Flooding on Turtle Creek

Flooding near Houston, Texas

The golf course:

Quail Valley Golf Course

Out to repair Quail Valley Golf Course

There was one tree down, but the golfers seemed happy about that.  It turns out to have been blocking a hole:

Last but not least, we saw a lot of turtles wandering around, checking out the flood conditions I suppose.

So, that wasn't at all wordless and it wasn't even Wednesday but...you know...flood.


Keith's Ramblings said...

Water water everywhere! Glad you are good.

Visit Keith's Ramblings!

OrangeHeroMama said...

Wow, i can't even imagine being hit with something like that! Glad you're all good!

(and i absolutely LOVE the turtle shot!)


Kaz @ Melting Moments said...

Oh goodness. Glad you are safe. Amazing photos.

Evija said...

I am glad you are all ok, how devastating.. There have been floods in the Uk but thankfully none of us have been affected, I cant imagine the stress this is causing everyone involved.. Thank you for sharing and joining us at Oh My Heartsie Girl Wordless Wednesday Link Party. Have a great day, co-host Evija @Fromevijawithlove

The Fabulous Journey said...

Wow, what a scene! I am glad you were still able to find some humor in it...tree blocking the hole. Thanks for joining us on Oh My Heartsie Girl Wordless Wednesday!


Twisted Cinderella said...

Wow, glad you are okay!

Anonymous said...

So glad you guys are okay! Thats a lot of water!

Karren Haller said...

Wow good to hear that you are Ok, Texas has been having such unprecedented rain storms this year.
Stay safe, those pools of water on roads can be dangerous!

Happy to have you join us on Oh My Heartsie Girls Wordless Wednesday this week!!!
Have a dry day!

DebC said...

What an experience. So glad you are ok! I guess the turtles are happy at least :)

stevebethere said...

Crikey glad alls ok with you amazing photos

DrillerAA said...

It's never good when you have to use a boat to get to your car. Be very, very careful around a snapping turtle. They are almost never in a good mood and they will bite. Praying for all of the people in Houston.

csuhpat1 said...

Glad that you are ok. Be careful. Thanks for sharing the amazing photos.

Anonymous said...

Holy cow! Glad you are alright. I hope it dries out quickly.

Diana Mancuso said...

Wow! That's a lot of flooding. Glad you are okay. You managed to grab some great photos despite the aftermath.

I am Harriet said...

I can't get over the devastation that I have seen on the news. It is hard to believe that California is having the opposite problem at the same time

Michelle said...

Ugh, I am so sorry. Hope you & everyone down there stay safe!!!

Nicole Orriƫns said...

Wow that's a lot of water! I'm glad you're all okay.


One Mother Hen said...

I saw the Texas floods on the tv last night! So much water! That turtle looks mean, and just a bit ugly :)


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