Bet'cha didn't know I was a Rockin' Girl Blogger! So says Maureen/Stale Coffee...Thanks Maureen!!!
It's got all the prestige of a blog award (see nifty pink button, read PL Frederick's acceptance speech...) and all the anxieties of a tag (Tell me again how I know if I'm bestowing or inflicting? Who all did I leave out?).
If it's true that the instructions are to receive once and inflict/bestow five times, this cool award should soon be displayed on approximately half of blogdom...but at least it limits itself to one gender. Here are five Rockin' Girl Blogs I enjoy:
Ms. Q/QMusings: From prisons to mammograms - thoughtful and friendly!
Irisi/Ruminations: Fun & flavorful, it's still no cooking blog!
Of Cats and Cardstock: Those kitties are always up to something unexpected! Besides, where else can you take a field trip to a gas station museum?!?!? I love transportation.
Toners/Moved to the Mountains: She does some cool stuff with paper!
Lara/Overstuffed: Cute kids and likes to laugh! Plus, you can get to her site by googling "What's going up wassa".
Hey, Jill -- Thank you! You made my day! I would venture to say that "me" and "rockin'" have never before been used in the same phrase. I'll try to get some mileage from this with DD! :-) Love reading your rockin' blog...Keep up the great writing! Janet
Oh, HOW the heck did I miss naming Cats and Cardstock???? Thank goodness you did, I LOVE that blog too...
I think someone needs to "inflict/bestow" the title on you too! Because you are no less than a riot of laughs! Loved your misadventures entry!! I can totally relate to being distractible. I love shiny objects!
Thanks for the award and I feel like Janet - "rockin'" isn't an adjective that has been applied to me. I'm thinking, me? Rock?
YOU rock!
Well you've just made my entire week, possibly month!!! I never win anything!!! Thanks!
As for the sitemeter...go to sitemeter.com, follow instructions and you'll be set up within a few minutes. After a couple days you'll be seeing lots of interesting info: Where people are, how they got to you, what they clicked out to from your blog, etc. Very fun. It's even free, which is the best part. :)
How cool is this?! You brought a big smile to my face this morning :) Keep up the awesome blog! You ROCK!
Janet/Ms.Q - Yeah, rock!
Heather - Oh my acceptance speech is on there too...PL Frederick's is just way funnier!
Maureen & Toners - Welcome & glad to!!!!!!
Maureen - See what I mean? :-) :-)
This blog is excellent in so many ways: personable, entertaining, informative and funny.
Most importantly, I think your personality really comes through in your writing.
You're bookmarked (but you already knew that!)
"You're bookmarked (but you already knew that!)"
Yeah...I actually wouldn't have known that...I know that little button is supposed to tell me, but I have yet to figure it out...
:-0 :-0 :-0
:-) :-) & thanks! :-)
congrats on your award :) definitely deserved
Congratulations! I am going to check out Cats and Cardstock too now.
Thanks Melissa & DJ Kirkby!!!!
Thank you sweet lady! Later this week I need to line up all the nice things people have nominated me for and nominate some people mhyself. I'm honored.
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