All I know is the Chronicle claims it ended in a coin toss over which parade got to take place downtown and which parade got booted over to Allen Parkway. It's hard to believe we rely on a coin toss, but I guess it's a tried and true method for making such important decisions. Besides, Allen Parkway isn't a half bad spot for a parade and why argue with having two parades? We couldn't go to either though, both kids being struck down with fever yesterday.
Stuck at home such as we were, I figured I had no excuse for not catching up on phone calls in between dispensing Tylenol. I have to procrastinate a BUNCH before I can make those kinds of phone calls. Actually I like to procrastinate a bunch before I make ANY type of phone call, but the worst kind are where...well, pretty much if you're not calling a friend or family member they're all the worst kind.
These were the kind of phone calls where you leave half a dozen messages before someone that you didn't really want to talk to in the first place ends up calling you back at the most inconvenient time possible, so it called for some serious procrastinating. See how nice and neat my kitchen cabinets look now?
My cabinets didn't need reorganizing. I can find most stuff, usually. Okay, so I didn't know I owned a pie plate and made a chicken pot pie in a cast iron pan instead last week, but it came out good that way. See, there's the pie pan over on the left. At least, I think it's a pie pan. I'll let you know next time I make a chicken pot pie:
I have these cute little space saver devices. I don't actually need them, because my cleaning method involves throwing away anything that someone isn't using at the exact moment that I'm doing the tossing. I've heard this is a guaranteed way to turn my children into pack rats for life, but they'll have to bring that up for themselves later while they're in therapy. Right now we're just working on surviving their childhood without the entire apartment being filled floor to ceiling in stickers, string, ticky-tack, sequence, buttons, beads, souvenir sized catchup bottles, rocks, and other such treasures.
See how the corning ware lids stay all straight up, making room for kitchen devices I may or may not have owned at one time in my life? If they really wanted to make something useful for the kitchen, they'd put hinges on the lids of the plastic containers so they didn't get lost all the time.
Here's one last picture of my now tidy cabinets. I suppose by mid-week the kids will be wondering why they don't have any clean socks or underwear, but at least I'll be able to find the proper sized pot for all the cooking I'm not doing.
Hope the kids are better now.
You have a good shelf life ;)
Good for you for doing all that organizing. I meant to organize the closet yesterday but instead of actually doing it, I just thought about doing it and did nothing instead.
Funny SJ!!!!!! Still have one with fever... *sigh*...
Thanks Alf! But thinking about it is almost as good as doing it, right? 'Cause that's how I was planning on finishing up the laundry...
:-) :-) :-)
I think MLK actually gave a speech about how clean shelves promote peace and harmony among people with all different skin colors. So, you rock.
I can't belive you guys actually have a parade, let alone two!
Oooh....great job!! I hope the kiddos are feeling tons better :)
Ooh, I am in awe. I bow down at your organizational greatness.
My clutter knows no bounds.
Oh, my.... you would die if you saw my kitchen cabinets. I am the Ratatoullie of Pack Rats; I just shove things in there until my doors won't shut anymore.
I seriously need to de-clutter. So did you eventually get to those phone calls you were procrastinating about?
Hope the family is on the mend.
Too funny Ingrid! And, y'know, I think there are actually THREE MLK parades, because I think there's a youth parade too. I'm not sure why youth need their own, 'cause I'm thinking anyone willing to march in a parade in January is young at heart anyway, but it seems that's the way it is around here...
Thanks Toners & Maureen! My boy is back at school, but my gal was a little over 103 last night. :-(
Christine - A friend hired me to toss out all her stuff for her one time. I de-cluttered her place nicely, but I'm sure now that it's two years later she's probably STILL wondering where 95% of her stuff is...
Maureen - I actually got quite a bit accomplished on the phone calling front. I HATE those things & have more today since I'm home anyway. :-( :-( :-( I figure if my daughter spends another day sick, I should be able to get just about her whole bat mitzvah planned as well as work out all the little tail ends of my divorce paperwork... *sigh*
Sorry your kids have fever - boy they have been having a rough time health-wise!
You sound like you the same thing my mom does, her self-described, "Phone-o-phobia" - "Fear of talking on the phone"
Caller ID was made for her!
Except for you kids having a fever, very funny post! Your cabinets are VERY organized and you must have of cabinet space! Your kids might end up being pack rats since most kids seem to do the opposite of their parents! Or exactly the same thing. Hmmm.
Since my mom has OCD with hoarding/cluttering, I became pretty organized. I feel a bit cluttered these days (piles for taxes, piles for unemployment forms, piles..) but I have low pile-tolerance!
I am currently working on clearing out some clothes I never wear. Yeesh, your nice clear cabinets are making me realize I gotta clear my work table. BLECCCH!
Ms.Q - I'm not organized, it's just that it's relatively easy to find the four things I don't throw away! :-) :-) :-) Caller ID was DEFINITELY made for me too! I'm not sure how I'm going to live without it now that Sugar tossed the phone into the toilet.
Gosh, hope the kids are better by now. 103 is a pretty high fever. Had that at our house this fall. YUCK! But your cupboards look quite impressive.
JP - Yeah, 103 is right around where I turn from "Sigh...another fever..." to "YIKE!" Although this time I've actually handled the 103s okay I think...ummmm...unless checking on them on the hour every hour throughout the entire night is not considered handling it okay...
wow, I wouldn't have guessed by your general easy going personality that you are a secret organizer and thrower outer! now that is something we definitely have in common! I cannot get my pots and pans organized for the life of me, care to take a shot at it sometime?
Beth - I think it's funny that people always describe me as "easygoing" when I tend to think of myself as impossibly stubborn and obsessive compulsive...but yeah, I can totally reorganize your kitchen!!!!!!! It's just that you won't have any stuff left and you'll never be able to cook again! :-) :-) :-) Also, we'll have to take all those medicines at once, because otherwise I'd have to throw away BOTH those shelves full! :-) :-) :-)
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