In any case, my gal didn't want the local emergency rooms getting lonely for us. She went ahead and tripped and fell in her room, so that now her foot looks like this:

When the xrays came back, the doctor said she was going to treat it like a fracture on the growth plate. The nurse, in not so many words, said the doctor was full of baloney.
The doctor said she was going to put on a cast and Cassie could pick the color. But the nurse beat the doctor to the punch and put on a splint. The doctor came back into the room ready to put on the cast but explained that it wasn't actually worth removing the splint.
It's a hard splint that the nurse had to wet, causing a chemical reaction so that the material would harden around her foot. Except for the fact that the splint is softer on the outside than the cast, the only difference I can tell between the cast and the splint is that on a cast she would have been able to walk. But...y'know...who wants to be able to walk?
Oh wait! I know who!!!! A middle schooler!!!! There may be less pleasant people wandering the earth than an injured middle school student who has to hobble on uncomfortable crutches, but I'm not sure who.
Oh wait! I know who AGAIN!!!! It's the MOTHER of an injured middle school student who has to hobble around on crutches!!!!!
What an annoying nurse! When Chloe broke her wrist, she got that splint thingy. I did like that I could take it off for her to get in the bath, but I did worry it wasn't going to heal as well. But apparently I worried for nothing because she seems to be fine.
All three of my boys have a small scar on the same part of their forehead. It's almost as if they somehow planned it.
Wow, a couple more incidents and you just might break our record for emergency room trips and number of casts! All of ours are only from the oldest kid so I am not sure it is fair if you get to count both your kids in this little competition!
Lara - We can't take this one off! It's hard on the inside. Actually, I'm glad we can't - I'd be afraid I'd put it back on wrong.
Delmer - That IS strange!
Beth - I'm pretty sure the Scheinthals leave us both in the dust. I imagine their oldest just LOOKS at his arm and it breaks. :-0
ooh err, i had an ex-boyfriend with fabulous scars all over his legs. i had to restrain myself the first time i met him from dragging my finger across one particularly fine looking specimen above his knee. although, perhaps this comment does not help you, as his mother, when thinking about his soon to be foray into the world of GIRLS.
That will be 20 points from Griffendor!
The girl is wrong, wrong wrong. Women do go for scars. Trust on this.
Ricardo is right. Woman love scars.
If your son comes up with an interesting story it would make for great conversation and can easily seal the deal... But he is young at the moment but let him know this when he gets older. Keep the story of the scar interesting and he cannot go wrong.
I had an 8 inch scar on my forhead from a grade school accident. Took about 15 years, but it finally disappeared. boys don't notice things like this. For girls, it is probably different.
Your children are as injury prone as I am!
Disa - Yeah well, actually I'm hoping it's not TOO soon!
Roger - :-) :-) :-)
Ricardo - Well, I was actually kind'a hoping he wouldn't date the kind of girls your into. (shrug shrug) - - - I mean, not that every mom wouldn't be proud to have her son come home with a lesbian vampire, it's just that it's so hard to get the blood out of the carpet... I am TOTALLY TOTALLY KIDDING btw!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You know I think the world of you & by extension any girl you date...I just thought it would be fun to relive your lesbian vampires post. :-) :-) :-)
Urban thought - Yeah, I think it's the stories more than the actual scars that are so interesting. Unfortunately, both my kids have really boring stories to go with their injuries. I seriously have to talk to those two about breaking more rules...KIDDING!!!! Sort of...
Lotus - Yeah, I think it took me at least that long for one on my ankle to disappear.
Alf - I was wondering who they belonged to! I don't think I ever once visited the emergency room as a child.
I'm sorry.
(I think scars are cool, lol)
Thanks Kerry!
Every tough guy needs a visible scar. It poses as a warning to others that he is indeed a tough guy!
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